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Favourite Christmas Songs

Furry Knickers

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It's the 1st of December and it is feeling so Christmassy here, that me and me pug have been putting up our tree and rooting out all our favourite records while the one is out shopping. We thought it would be a lovely surprise for her when she gets back. This is me all time favourite Christmas song, ever since I was a small thing back in Kildare! I remember the first time I heard it was when I was after getting a gold fish from the bread shop in Derrinturn. Me Mammy got me the fish for me first holy communion, and we decided to call him Liam (after me cousin of the same name) I got Liam home and put him in a milk bottle till we had enough money to buy him a bowl. He would always come over to me and kiss the side of the bottle as if he was kissing me, and I thought to meself " I wonder if fish know that they are boys" I asked me mammy if she knew, and she said "shur furry, them fish only  remember things for a minute and then they forget all about it" It was after that that I thought that maybe fish forget if they are boys or girls and how terrible it must be for them to have to live like that. I sometimes forget I'm a lad and wear womens clothes, It happens everytime I lose one of me beloved creatures. It first happened when poor Gillian passed away. She was me first Squirrel I ever had. The Doctor said that I forget about me gender re-allignment due to the trauma of losing me loved ones, and shur, it's no harm! So now when Josephine finds me in her black Karl Lagerfeld dress, she knows why.

Here is me favourite Christmas song in the whole wild world!


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lol! [:D] Hi Furryknickers, just putting the dec's up here too. Well some outside lights went up a week ago, inside being jollied now. Anyway, my favourite Christmas song is Slade - Merry Christmas Everbody http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=niIJ9Yb-xwQ  it conjures up wonderful memories & as soon as I hear it, I know Santa will soon be on his way! [;-)]

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Jay! Where have you been? Why is it all the bunny girls have been missing from the forum? I love that Slade song too, a true classic! It reminds me of me first pair of platform trousers! They were lovely, but very uncomfortable to wear. Them splinters could do terrible harm to a young lad!

This is another classic that brings a little tear to me pugs eyes. Poor John is so sentimental. Was I telling you I had to take him to the vet because he was pining for Edwin? The vet said he needed to see a specialist, and has made us an appointment to see a cycle terrapin. I can't wait for Santy to come! We will leave him out a big bag of tangerines and a bit of home made pudden.


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I thought I'd give you some peace FK [;-)] as for the others, don't know where they've been. Those there platform trousers sound a tad painful, I do hope they didn't do any lasting damage. [blink] Poor John, I do hope the cycling terrapin helps [:(] & of course all the wonderful Christmas tunes, like Fairytale in New York which I love too. How about this one? Nat King Cole http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cubgWvBfs24 
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In my habitual grumpy-ole-git mode I must confess I loathe the 'Christmas greatest hits' compilations, which are played everywhere. Whilst I confess to liking Slade's manic offering - the Mistletoe n Wine, A spaceman came travelling, When a babe is born etc etc etc are pure poison.

Bah humbug!
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Jay, I think that is a beautiful song and I think Nat has a voice just like me pugs ears, all velvety! Me mammy had his record of Rambling Rose, but she never had a record player.

Deer Frenchie, What is your favourite Christmas song? Have you noticed that there was only one deer song ever recorded?

Renaud, don't be such a miserable old shite hawk! This is specially for you http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4XKkdygUqs 

The first time I heard that Mud song was in England in the Bull Ring shopping Centre. A poor owl woman came upto me and said "me toes are moving now little fella"  I said to her "where are yer toes moving to missus?" Me mammy told me that the woman had just had a plaster cast took off her foot and she was delighted to wiggle her toes about. I was a bit bewildered, cos I had just been into Lewis's to see Santy and I was still all excited with the lucky bag he gave me. I wonder where that poor owl woman is now? I would love to see her again.

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[quote user="FurryKnickers"]

Deer Frenchie, What is your favourite Christmas song? Have you noticed that there was only one deer song ever recorded?


 " Deer Frenchie "  [:D][:D][:D]

Dear Furry,  here is one   Vive le vent !!/ Noel blanc  and especially the second one in the video " noel blanc"   ( my dear gran used to sing it to me ..)

or Macca .. ( of course !!!)   Wonderful Christmas time ... [kiss]

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I love Noel Blanc[:)]

Me mammy loved this at Christmas. It is all about the meaning of it all, which is sadly now being forgotten.


It reminds me of the Christmas that me mammy said we were going to Turkey for new year. "are we really going to Turkey mammy" I asked her "will we be able to go on a camel" I was so dissapointed when she told me they don't have camels in Devon!

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Lovely tune and lovely funny story Furry..     Roy, you must be a great guest at Christmas , you seem to have " the spirit" ..

I LOVE Christmas...

In the region where I come from ( cote d azur) we used to place lentils  on cotton on Dec 1st and water them every day, til we got a " plant" for decorating the Christmas scene of " nativity"  ( is that how you say it in English ?)

In Provence we did the " crêche " , a very big one, every Christmas..


 [IMG]http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r20/regine79/crecheprovence.jpg[/IMG]   My grandad used to make all houses by himself.

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If I could figure out to do it, I would record and upload my daughter singing Oh Holy Night.

Oh Holy God, it would bring a tear to the eye of even the most hardened anti-Christmas heart.

She is the soloist for two choirs in the build up to Christmas, singing in various churches and old folks homes aswell as her school.

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[quote user="Eos"]If I could figure out to do it, I would record and upload my daughter singing Oh Holy Night.
Oh Holy God, it would bring a tear to the eye of even the most hardened anti-Christmas heart.
She is the soloist for two choirs in the build up to Christmas, singing in various churches and old folks homes aswell as her school.


I would have enjoyed that...

If you love young people's voices, please listen to this .. isn't it beautiful ?

Les choristes " Caresses Sur l'Océan"    This teenager has an amazing voice, the second half of the video gives me goose pimples...

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Frenchie, I would love to see a picture of your nativity scene, we do one every year too, but not on as grand a scale as yours[:)] We have names for all our animals in our crib and Raymond the lamb is me favourite of them all! He may only be made from plastic and cotton wool, but he has such a wonderful personality and is just so cute.

Eos, That would be nice if you can do it! We were at mass on Christmas eve in Honfleur in 2002 at the beautiful St Catherines wooden church. At the end they had a soloist sing Silent Night and me Mammy cried, it was her last Christmas on earth too. Are you from Kildare yerself? Do you know Nelly Hicky?


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I always liked Wizard with 'I wish it Could be Christmas Everyday'

How the Numptys at the BBC could allow a song that is nothing to do with Christmas and everything to do with drugs to be broadcast to the Nation is beyond me, still, a nice pension earner for Roy Wood I should think.

When the Snowman comes to call.............

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[quote user="FurryKnickers"]

Frenchie, I would love to see a picture of your nativity scene, we do one every year too, but not on as grand a scale as yours[:)] We have names for all our animals in our crib and Raymond the lamb is me favourite of them all! He may only be made from plastic and cotton wool, but he has such a wonderful personality and is just so cute.


I will take a pic as soon as we have done it.. I would like to do it now but Im very busy at work.. Probably at the week end ..

My " santons" ( little characters ) have names too... Ill explain it when I post the pics..


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Eos, I don't know Nicky Kelly, but I do know Pat Murphy from Mullingar. He was a terrible whore for the women! He was great with his flute, and I think that's what attracted the women to him, but I can't be real sure about that.

Frenchie, What do you call your Lamb? Here is the only deer song I have ever heard! I remember the first time I heard it, I asked me mammy "why don't they have snow deers instead of rain deers" She said "will ya just go outside and look at your lovely presents" I ran outside and found that I had 4 lovely crows flying round the garden, and all 4 were mine!


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Frenchie, you could call your lambs Sylvester and Frederick? I had terrible news today! I left me old house because of the Upper Beagle psychopath, and packed up and went here to Kerry. I heard from Mrs Gupta, that it was the Upper Beagle cycle path all along! We could have stayed in Upper Beagle after all. I do miss Gloria Lovepond and the onion woman from Mudskippers Lane.


Have you heard Bruce Springsteen singing about Santa Claus Coming To Town?

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