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Aren't dogs wonderful

Jacqui      Too

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Just going up stairs when I caught my open knee on the kiddy/dog barrier I just let out lots of eeeeeeeeyyyy oowwwwww aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh and the two dogs came running, I'm sat on the bottom stair with my both hands wrapped round my knee an all they can do is lick my face, jump on my lap (whats left of it) they didn't know what was happening and thought I was dieing!!!

Don't you just luv em


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I was working in a chum's garden today and had a dizzy spell.  When I got myself organised and sat on the floor, I'm being fussed over by her two spaniels, one wants to lick me to death and the older one is sitting with his head on my knees doing that doggie chatting thing at me.

Dogs are wonderful but cats more so .................

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My puppy has just leapt on the worktop (off the back of a chair, she is wee but boy can she jump) and drunk my tea all whilst I'm on the phone to work so I couldn't shout, I'm sure she knew this!  But most of the time yes, they are wonderful!!
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I was taken mud-surfing yesterday afternoon by our two somewhat large dogs, emerging from amongst the fallen leaves and slime looking as if I was the beast from 20,000 fathoms!   Thanks dogs!

Unfortunately (or fortunately) I had them both on lead when some silly woman's dog shot out of the bushes and attacked them head on.  Big mistake.  My two went ballistic, I got pulled over then hauled through the muck as they saw this stupid dog off although I guess they thought I needed protecting from this horrid dog coming at their Mummy. Actually I did not need to be towed through the mire compliments of them!  

As I picked myself up out of the muck the woman in question simply said "Oh he doesn't like other dogs.." - so why then was he running off lead I wonder??  [:@]

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We don't have carpets or even mats now downstairs, just impossible to get rid of all the hairs. Our two border collies must have a time clock in their heads because each day at a certain time - about 3.30 at the moment -  they sit expectantly outside the door waiting for their walk. They seem to be able to hear me changing my shoes and getting my jacket. Then when I emerge they go ballistic, pelting round in circles until we get out of the garden. And I've been pulled over a few times, and down into the ditch. But on the whole, wonderful.
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My two dogs have a kind of Radar attached to my wellies in that as soon as I go to put them on, the dogs go completely crazy leaping and jumping all over the place.   Sometimes I am in fact only going to do some gardening,  so they look at me all disappointed, heartbroken even that I am not going for draggies with them!!
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Our dog gets very excited when OH puts a couple of beers in the fridge (for when we get back from walk); she then checks for next secret signal (OH putting a couple of mints in his pocket).    She is then on tenterhooks for the final, sure-fire signal, myself getting two dog treats out of the box, and putting them in my pocket (one for her, one for neighbours dog who comes with us!).  In between the first signal and the final, yes, its definitely walk time signal, she is hilarious.   She bounces around with a combined look of excitement and, 'am I going to be doomed to disappointment' on her face!   Its very funny.
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She must have trained them all so well to make them sit like that.

15lol! That's a great age, hope he will see another few years yet.

Never had Boxers...... Bernese Mountain Dogs and German Shepherds! although have always loved the Boxers and my hubby is besotted with them.



That is so sweet...bless him!

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Mine (Larry the Labrador) is my alarm clock.  7.30 (AM) on the dot comes into bedroom and licks my hand that is usually sticking out of the bed.  Doesn't do it to hubby or to the 4 children - only me.  But then I'm the one who cares for him.......


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