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OK Who abandoned...........

Geordie girl

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.................this little fellah, he was on our doorstep christmas morning looking bedragled in his xmas party attire.

Is he lost or has someone abandoned him knowing that we would take him in and look after him..............he has settled in really well so far but is pining a bit for his family............He is not chipped or tattooed so we cannot trace his owners




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[quote user="Geordie girl"]No cos he`s wearing football shorts and they dont have pockets..............silly pads  [;-)][/quote]

Aah adopt him GG make your home his home......got a name for him Gnigel Gnome .....(another G.G.!!)[blink]

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[quote user="Geordie girl"]

Cant even pronounce that name, was thinking he`s more of a BoB



Was gonna put posters around the village, but i`ve changed me mind, i`m gonna keep him cos he`s no trouble and i like him


No not BoB..........Gnigel is a good name!    No "G" sounded on Gnome, so Gnigel and Gnome go together[:D]

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[quote user="Geordie girl"]Ok marton, gNIGEL it is then, thank you, i`m off to uk in january and he`ll probably want to come with me................will he need his own passport or can i add him to mine as an accessory?[/quote]

Steer clear of the passport route otherwise he'll take off and Gawd knows where he'll end up!     When you get to passport control just say he's claiming asylum but won't be a drain on social funds as you'll look after him.   Gnigel the Gnome off to Gweat Bwitain, bet he bumps into our Bwian in Bwidlington!

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