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[quote user="Frenchie"]

You hate me I can feel it !! [:D]

[IMG]http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r20/regine79/Imagesdroles3.jpg[/IMG]  [:D][:D][:D]


Never, who could hate a French person so dedicated to conversing with Brits.        Still a bit sad you like Macca's singing as much! [Www]...

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[quote user="Frenchie"]

No, did not have time today, I am working you know..

 I think the photos from that era must have stayed at my parents, who live on the Côte d'"azur..

Talked to my mum on the phone this am, but I didn't think about asking her..



We can wait, and we know you have a poorly knee.  

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[quote user="Rose"][quote user="memb"]

.........made me say ahhh

I thought Ready Steady Go


memb... ok I'm being a bit dense... but why? [:$]

[/quote]You're obviously too young to get the reference....  Cathy McGowan was one of the hosts of RSG. 

The hair's still the same but that's about all (apart from the o/h who looks exactly the same... B*st*rd!)

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[quote user="cooperlola"][quote user="Rose"][quote user="memb"]

.........made me say ahhh

I thought Ready Steady Go


memb... ok I'm being a bit dense... but why? [:$]

[/quote]You're obviously too young to get the reference....  Cathy McGowan was one of the hosts of RSG. 

The hair's still the same but that's about all (apart from the o/h who looks exactly the same... B*st*rd!)


[:D]  So face or figure which would you prefer to have?

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Sprong has discovered that fact that I never throw stuff away - it just ends up in the loft, so she is walking around in my Chelsea Girl T-Shirts and the dress I made for my eighteenth is too small (Boob dept) for her. (I'm now 50+).

Along with my navy velvet South Seas Bubble jacket, denim hot-pants and the superb white PVC and denim lace- up boots (Freezing on the back of a motor bike!!), what did I think I looked like? That's the trouble with being nearly six foot, a skirt on everyone else was a mini to me.

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I remember those days as well - we used to have Sunday runs from Wimbledon down to Brighton or Worthing - I have some great pics of stops on the way to camping in Tiverton in the sixties. We were elegantly called 'greasers' in those days. Sadly some of the crowd have already fallen off the treadwheel, but many are left to remember the spirit of the sixties.
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