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Hamster Prices At All Time High

Furry Knickers

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I read today that Hamsters have tripled in price in England and western Europe, this is mainly due to huge demand from China which is having to import the cute little things from Europe to satisfy demand due to it being the year of the hamster over there. I was only thinking there last night, why is it you never see any wild hamsters? Never in all me 28 years as a human, have I ever seen a wild hamster! I am off to Mrs O'Rourke's Ox shop this afternoon to get in a big supply of oxes in time for the 2009 year of the ox, and bejaney, if the prices triple, I will be on the pigs back this time next year! If you take me advice, you will all do the same, you may well be able to pay off your mortgages on them houses in France.
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That was brill - I have been trying to tell my daughter about the Tales of the Riverbank series, and it confirmed to me that I did remember the wonderful Johnie Morris doing the voices.

We have a large specimen that wanders around this place - known by the name of Dog, the Bounty Hampster. Don't ask - when you have a teenager in the house I have found it best to survive by accepting and not questioning such things as why the hampster has this name.

I think they are great.

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I have often asked Mrs Tresco about Pogles Wood, and spent many an hour telling her about the lovely tulip that played the violin, but she just threatened to do harm to me and all the stars of the programme[:'(] I have always longed for a flower that plays any musical instrument, but the violin would be me first choice and then I would choose the flute.

Raindog (God, I love dogs) I was never allowed to watch rough cowboy shows in case any horses got shot.

Keni, Hamsters are completely marvelous[:)]

 Pogles Wood http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mFAFiiCMb_8

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Brilliant bit  of Hamster naming, Keni.[:D]

[quote user="FurryKnickers "]

I have often asked Mrs Tresco about Pogles Wood, and spent many an hour telling her about the lovely tulip that played the violin, but she just threatened to do harm to me and all the stars of the programme[:'(] [/quote]

Mr Nix I must have said a thousand Hail Marys in penance for that! Will you ever forgive me?

I hope there's room for some Guinea Pigs in this thread.


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Mrs Tresco, Guinea pigs will always be part of me! You know I love them[:)] I have forgiven you for the threats, but it brought back terrible memories of the time I was only a young lad back in Kildare. I was on me way home from School one lovely afternoon in may, when I suddenly heard a meeowing sound coming from a bush on the canal bank, I went over and pulled the bush away to reveal a nest of kittens! They were so cute and gingery that I decided I would bring them home and keep them all. I took all me school books out of me onion sack and gently lowered the kittens into it and began the journey home. I was after going only a few footsteps when I was caught by the neck by a withered old hand and this voice said "them are my kittens for me dinner tonight" I looked round and saw it was the local mad woman! I told her she has to stop eating kittens and to try a bit of cabbage instead, but she grabbed me sack and threw me into the canal, and then she hobbled off with the poor kittens. I was too young to be able to swim in them days, and I was struggling to stay above the water, then Mrs Flanigan happened to be passing, and she said "were you shoved into the canal by the local mad woman" I shouted back to her "Indeed I was Mrs Flanigan" she said "are you drownding or what" I replied " i am drownding Mrs Flanigan, shur you won't tell me mammy will ya" she laughed and said "indeed shur I won't" she went off to get her loaf and rashers from Mr Barry, and I carried on drownding. I nearly died when I saw me mammy heading towards me with a terrible look on her face "get outta that canal till I murder ya" said me mammy. She handed me a branch and I grabbed it and she hauled me out of the water. She never murdered me in the end, and I learned to swim soon after.

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[quote user="FurryKnickers "]

 I took all me school books out of me onion sack [/quote]

What happened to your school books, Furry.  I assume that it was a Ridout English Grammar and some Logrythm Tables? Ooh and A Latin Primer, of course. They would be valuable today if you didn't throw them away.

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[quote user="Cathy"][quote user="FurryKnickers "]

 I took all me school books out of me onion sack [/quote]

What happened to your school books, Furry.  I assume that it was a Ridout English Grammar and some Logrythm Tables? Ooh and A Latin Primer, of course. They would be valuable today if you didn't throw them away.


Dear Cathy, I left the books in the bush and retrieved them the next morning on me way to school. I had none of the books that you mention, and I never even knew that you could get Latin primer, I always use B&Q own brand primer and I am very pleased with the results. The books I had were '18th Century Irish Whores' and 'Mushroom Stalking In Ireland Today' and of course 'How To Avoid Pork Related Diseases' You would be amazed at the various methods used to stalk a mushroom in them days! I do feel very inferior and embarrased about me lack of proper use of the English grammar and Language, and I am amazed that there are so many very clever and intelectual lads here (and even some of the women are quite clever too) Maybe if I had them books you mention, I would be a bus conductor today or maybe even a checkout girl at Tesco, I just don't know! I thought Twinkles dancing flowers were so lovely, the rose and the campanula were me favourites! A local gypsy told me that me last words would be "Shur indeed I did".

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Oh, Furry.  I did think that you were a lady and I now realise you are of the masculine persuasion.  Life must be so hard for you, as a man.  I feel sorry for you.  What amazing subjects that you studied at school.  Did they teach you how to draw a pint of Guinness?  Did you ever think about becoming a priest, seeing as us humble ladies aren't allowed to wear a dog collar (well, not a white one, that is)?

My school was very intellectual, as you can obviously tell by my postings.  That is why I am an expert on penguins and ducks and many other such things.  It's not everyone that knows that ducks have three eyelids.

This is my 999th posting, FK, so I have a lot to be thankful to you for.


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