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Happy easter to you all !!


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Hoppy Easter all

We woke up to snow this moring but its all gone now.[:(]

What a lovely easter break we have been sanding and painting our front door shutters from the french house to take back next week and boy was it cold, but pleased with  the result so far...  just come home to get warm and hubby wants to watch the grand prix ...  hope the sun stays out as we arrive on 5th april really looking forward to sunshine[:D]




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good evening Frenchie

Hope you had a wonderful lunch we are on the low GI diet and last nights chocolate was a celebration of losing 8lb in 2 weeks, I think i will stick to the diet as i dont feel too well this morning after eating all those chocolate buttons.

Did you see the moon last night it was absolutly amazing[:-))]

Do you get a holiday tomorrow like we so here in england or are you all going back to work?


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She's a school teacher, she's always on holiday !  They just had the vacances de février, now it's the vacances de Paques !

Just joking of course Frenchie, now it's raining here.  Happy Easter everyone.   [kiss]


Yes, Mme. Poivre, it's a holiday here tomorrow, but we don't get Good Friday.  Do you, I can't remember ?


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Happy Easterness to all in forum land!!  [kiss]

What's it all about again, this Easter behaviour...... i can only think it's for scoffing chocolate, I'm sure there was another reason? Ah well, at least i have got myself a secret stash of cadbury's mini eggs, bought last time i was in the uk!!! (the creme eggs didn't survive long enough for Easter [Www] )

What's your fave easter eggies?

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I love this landscape Clair..

We never have this here ..........[:(]

To answer a poster on the previous page, tomorrow is a bank holiday , but the " real" holidays will start on April 5th for our zone ( zone B ).

Easter is what you make of it, whether you are a believer or not.

It is an opportunity to gather with the ones you love . When it s possible......... 


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[quote user="Meg "]Happy Easterness to all in forum land!!  [kiss]

What's it all about again, this Easter behaviour...... i can only think it's for scoffing chocolate, I'm sure there was another reason? Ah well, at least i have got myself a secret stash of cadbury's mini eggs, bought last time i was in the uk!!! (the creme eggs didn't survive long enough for Easter [Www] )

What's your fave easter eggies?

Happy Birthday, Happy New Year, Merry Christmas , Iv'e heard and uttered all of these but not "Happy Easter".

 I expect next it will be "Happy Bank Holiday."

 Easter,from memory  was creating  hard boiled eggs then paining  faces on them and rolling them down a hill at the local park!

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Christine Animal

Being a school teacher does have its advantages, thats how i can spend 8-10 weeks in france a year[:D]

But like others I am on a long week end for easter and real holiday starts on 4th april when of course I'll be headed for france[:D]

Judith  XX

p.s the holidays doo seem to be getting shorter each year.......

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