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From what I can see there is a lot of confusion about how one may identify termites.  I am something of an expert in this field and trust that the following advice will be of use.

First it should be noted that termites’ main food is blood.  It is not wood as many people seem to think...  They will eat animal blood but prefer human.  They especially like the blood of virgins but these are very scarce in our days.

It is important to know how to distinguish between termites and ants. Ants are often confused with termites and although they have some similarities ants do not prowl the night looking to fall upon human victims to drain them.

There are various ways in which to tell them apart but the most simple and the safest is to hold them up to a mirror.  Ants have reflections and termites do not.

The importance of identifying termites cannot be over stated.  Failure to do so could result in you walking the earth as one of the ‘undead’...  Not at all fun.

It is useful to know that termites hate sunlight.  In fact they often burst spontaneously into a ball of flame on contact with UV light.  If you see what appears to be an ant in a large coat wearing sun glasses on a hot day be immediately suspicious, it is probably a termite trying to pass itself off as one of its less dangerous cousins.

I have found the best way to prevent infestation is to crush garlic and spread it around the house.  Termites hate garlic.  Priests are good too, especially if they wear a crucifix or two or chuck around holy water.

Be careful as termites show a very keen interest in virgins.  There is no reason why they should of course but they do.

Things that termites dislike are, inter alia, low energy light bulbs, pillow cases, garlic, holy water, Dixon of Dock Green (series 2 and 3) and question marks.   Any of these can be used to prevent attack. 

 If you do find termites have invaded your home you can sharpen wooden stakes and with these pierce the heart of the troublesome little beasts.  I find a box of swan vesta all honed to a point are very handy.

Of course there will be so called experts who will tell you all manner of things about preventing attack but if you value your life... your soul even, heed my warnings.

If you need advice on any other matter please feel free to ask...  I am. After all.... han hexpert.


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