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I have no words for this!


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My Husband the other day went to visit our nieghbour who is a local farmer, actually a machanic and makes anything you can think of and very professionally too, has an enourmous hanger with every type of machinery you can imagine.

OH is there talking to Guy about all things interesting to men folk and work etc etc when distracted by a strange heavy breathing noise behind him turned to see Guy's Dad appearing round the corner ( he is quatre vingt something) it took a double take and a few moments to take in the vision of what he was faced with. Grandad had a length of very heavy duty cable with the internal wires spilt in two (hopefully curled over on the end!) hooking his nose up to appear a bit like a cochon with the cable stuck against his forehead by a plaster, this contraption was to aid his breathing OH was told in a very matter of fact way and conversation recommenced as if nothing was out of the ordinary at all, when he returned home shortly after, relaying the tale which took several efforts due to tears splitting laughter and to marvel at the shear ingeniosity of the French.

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[quote user="Lisleoise"]
[:-))] maybe you should offer him a packet of those adhesive nasal strips that footballers and snorers wear!

But that would have cost money!

 I was given an ordonnace for a elbow and hand splint after a carpal tunnel operation but when the pharmacien told me the price I refused and made my own one, one handed, not a one handed one that is but one made with my one remaining hand!

I had previously learnt my lesson after being proscribed another orthose, there seems to be very little price competition on things like this in France as the CPAM and mutuelles pick up the tab, I have no mutuelle and was only reimbursed at 28%

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Very resourceful, JR.

The splints we use for evacuating victims of accidents (here in France, I hasten to add !) could be copied very simply !  All you need is a strip of bendable metal - or plastic if you don't need to bend it.  Add a piece of foam (or neoprene if you can find it) and attach with strips of velcro.  In fact, having strips of velcro, both wide and narrow, are incredibly useful in an emergency !  Readily available at most haberdashery/sewing shops.

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