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Round Robin letters in Christmas cards


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Just to let everyone know that for the moment at least I've taken it upon myself to declare our little corner of France a round robin free zone.

I hate the things!

I'm really not interested in a whole years report on how your darlings have done at school, how sorry you are and that 'we must keep in touch more', where you are going on holdiay next year, or how promotion at work has changed your life. Neither am I interested in the colour of your new front room carpet, your new patio, or even your 'new' second car that's better than my first.

So, if you are out there don't lump me in with everyone else.... but please, make an effort to even pretend to write to just me.

Happy Christmas guys :-)



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Sadly we lost two family members this year (one my cousin and Godfather and the other my other cousins husband).

The daughter of the first has sent a round robin where her fathers death gets two lines - it's literally 'we had some sad news my father died' and the next line is along the lines of 'This year we enjoyed going to several rugby matchess'  

It's in the bin.

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[quote user="Jacqui Too "]I really don't understand this [8-)] Why would you be sending or receiving Christmas cards  to or from people you despise so much beats me, why you bother to keep in touch at all. I wouldn't waste the card or stamp on anyone I had no respect for![/quote]

Very good point Jacqui. There are a number of people I really want to keep in touch with, across the years and the oceans. Just like some people outside Britain find it a bit weird, this frenzy around the obligation to send Christmas cards to all and sundry, the round robin (as you all call it) is the norm. In most cases I too find it unsufferable, for the reasons outlined above. It's just that sometimes, it is the only way you will find out what a very old friend has been doing.

PS. I do not send round robins, I do not send Christmas cards either, as I have other ways of trying to stay in touch. But I still like receiving both, the more the merrier!

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I send Christmas cards - always have, always will.  I have friends all over the place, some now getting on and it's good to communicate with them once a year.  Although I don't tend to read the interminable "round robin" letters, I don't see the harm in them.  Like boring threads and posts, I am not obliged to read if I don't wish to.  This year I have done a round robin because I just can't write or type for more than about 5 minutes so it was the chance to tell everybody what's happened to us this year and, believe me, it was nothing that would make anybody jealous.
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Excellent article, Bannon. Very funny, too.

It is true that the "best" round robins are the ones without high achievements, the ones where people are not self-congratulatory and navel-gazing. The article says that losers do not write round robins, but that is not quite true. It takes some courage to admit that last year has been one of the most horrible times of your life. But I find it depends on the writer (some people write better than others) and the degree of kinship with him/her, the nature of your relationship etc.

The example provided by RH has to be one of the worst though (the one where only 2 lines to inform of father's death).


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Well, with some exceptions, what a miserable bunch of ****s some of you are.

It's been fashionable for years to knock the so-called 'round robin' note sent with a Christmas card. Well, bollocks to those of you who find it a bore: I'm not ashamed to say that we enjoy receiving them from friends who we may not have seen for a year or two and yes, we send our one too.

Our ones (and their ones too) get personalised and they often lead to a re-acquintance in the coming year. I'm the very opposite of 'fluffy', but some of you may as well drown yourselves in misery.

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