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The presidents new motor!


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Report By Rajini Vaidyanathan, without doubt the worst piece of journalism i have read in a day.

"It looks like something out of a James Bond film!"

Since when has james Bond ever driven something soooo ugly.

The rest of the article is just drivel, some say it has............


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Not my style either! As far as the run flat tyres are concerned, we had Tyron wheel bands on our carvan and they do just that and I would recomend them to anyone. There are all sorts of emergency services and the army who use them too, so what's so very special about this heap? http://www.tyron.com/ . I would have liked them on our car if we did any high milage, but I am not sure if it's possible because we don't have a spare, just a kit for doing a roadside repair along with a compressor...

I wonder if it has got an Ipod dock?

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[quote user="powerdesal"]It may be a super-duper armoured limo, but I bet I could take it out with a suitably designed mine. (think anti-tank)

oops, will the CIA / MI5/6 be monitoring the post??????????? Sorry Guys, only joking.


You could get 70 years for that Steve.................


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What a surprise - the President of the United States is being supplied with a car fitted out with all the things you'd expect the President of the United States to have fitted to his car....[8-)]

Perhaps the author of that piece of rubbish is hoping for the Nobel Prize for the Bleeding Obvious.............


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