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I think 55/100 is wrong - everyone at work who tried it can read it - it is more like 99/100


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Only great minds can read

This is weird, but

fi yuo cna
rae d tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too

Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe
out of 100 can.

i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht
I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch
at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod
are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit
pclae. The rset can be a taotl m ses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm.
Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!

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He he, when you grow up with dislexic friends its easy [:D]

Without being cruel, how would the French make out if it were re typed in French? I try soooo hard to say the word I mean and unless its absolutely perfect they don't usually get it. My fault not theirs I am in their country, just an observation.

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Try this then [:D]

Tihs Saanrtdd eabeihltss the pceorss,

pceiilnprs and teiglmnoory of beuinusss

ciinnotttuy maaeegmnnt, pdiinorvg

a baiss for uaddeinnnrstg, deeilnopvg and

iieelmmnnptg beuinusss ciinnotttuy wiihtn an

oaagiinorstn and to pdiorve ccdefinnoe in

beuinusss-to-beuinusss and beuinusss-to-ceomstur


if you can read it first time - I would consider a visit to the doctor [:D]

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[quote user="Cathy"]


Aamzing taht tihs trhaed has apaepred so otefn....  Its dciuflfit to tpye lkie it tghuoh....



I once created some worksheets for people with spelling problems. They included (deliberate) spelling mistakes which the person had to correct. The poor typist who had to copy them out was nearly in tears !

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[quote user="Maricopa"]I read the equivalent in French somewhere only a few days ago, but I can't for the life of me remember where........[Www]


There are quite a few examples around - like this one.

[quote user="Otto Graphe"]L'orthographe est importante et je le consède très volontié. Mais

voyez-vous le ceverau dnas son apnpretssaige de la lagnue écirte,

proèdce beucoaup par asociastoin intitiive dans un prmieer tmeps. Et

l'analsye gramamtialce et syntahxqiue siut par la sutie. Un txete est

poterur d'ideés et son ésesnce puet-êrte dédiute dnas une prmeière

aprocphe snas torp firae de tcehnicliaté gramaitmcale. La prueve c'est

que vuos aevz put lrie ce psote.[/quote]
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I find the French one far easier to read and understand than the English ones, although I had no trouble with them.

I think there is a mistake in the 3rd to last word, it was the only one that I couldnt read at normal speed, I think that "put" should be "up" i.e. the past participle of the verb pouvoir. I guess being a 2 letter word they couldnt reverse it so added the rogue "t"

I reckon that I found it easier to understand because when I read French I unconsciously skip words that I am unsure of and follow the general gist, the first book I read took me sevearl months, I really enjoyed it and so read it again after a pause of a few months, I was amazed at how much moe detail I got from it on the second reading, mainly words that I had skipped but were repeated enough times so that by the end I had learned them.

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On the subject of the French understanding something not quite right:

I always quote this but here goes again.

Mr. bubbles is not a confident french speaker.

Years ago, when you used to get served with petrol at a garage and didn't have to do it yourself, we pulled in and I encouraged him to ask the man himself.

He said in his best french "le plein, s'il vous plait"

which should have been fairly obvious really.

He got "quoi?" in reply

It set poor Mr. B back years.
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Read it is easy - you do not know how hard I had to work to stop writing like this - a Theasuraus is great you can find a word which sounds like the word you need or is the same as or it is the complete opposite. If I could look the word in a dictionary, I could spell the word so I would not need to look it up in the dictionary.

Best comment I ever received was in a petrol station pulling out of Rouen bill was FF 491.98 . Said in French the amount correctly and said you would get your bac in England if you could promounce that correctly. Lady at the till made me repeat the amount to the next three truckers before saying she would sign off my application to the local university 

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[quote user="bubbles"]On the subject of the French understanding something not quite right: I always quote this but here goes again. Mr. bubbles is not a confident french speaker. Years ago, when you used to get served with petrol at a garage and didn't have to do it yourself, we pulled in and I encouraged him to ask the man himself. He said in his best french "le plein, s'il vous plait" which should have been fairly obvious really. He got "quoi?" in reply It set poor Mr. B back years.[/quote]


Her should try again, it was probably a matter of pronunciation.

My boyfriend speaks good French , but sometimes people have him repeat something, just because he has an English accent, which makes certain   words not understandable to some French speakers that are not used to his delightful lovely awesome English accent !! [;-)]

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a friend of mine was in Perpignan 2 weeks ago. At the hotel she was cold as she got into bed. Phoned room service and asked 'je voudrais un blankette SVP' - 30 mins the trolley arrived with a very stressed chef ... my friend was extremely surprised - and it did war her up. She got a couverture the next day. Told me the story yesterday.

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