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[quote user="Jane and Danny"]

just realised this was in "the lighter side" - not really an amusing post by me! not really "French food" either so I have no idea where I should have posted it...

you were all talking about curries and I just jumped in there.



Very useful posting!

I ve saved the link §


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[quote]Their range of bread is huge, that is something I miss.[/quote]

If you can make do with just plain naan, then there's a Madhur Jaffrey recipe that works well, at least it does when my wife makes them (no, she's not Indian and we don't have a Tandoor) - they work well out of an ordinary oven (not quite the same as the "real" thing but close enough).
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It's so unfair!  Look, I've just done this spicey chicken in foil and learnt to make my own curry paste.  Now you expect me to make my own naan bread.

There's only so much that a brain can take in and hands can do, you know.

I'm running out of skills and certainly of confidence.  I'm now going to go off in a huff, heat up last night's pasta for the OH (who doesn't eat meat) and put the stew I made yesterday in the micro wave for myself.

I'll go so far as to make a salad AND MY OWN DRESSING!  After that, I'm going on strike; no dessert but there are slabs of yummy chocolate in the fridge.

Enough already.....je m'en vais!

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[quote user="Clair"][quote user="sweet 17"]After that, I'm going on strike; no dessert [/quote]Sweet, I made little pots of chocolate cream this afternoon and it took all of 10mn. I'd offer you some, but you're too far [:)]
More for me then... [Www]

Clair, I'm not at all sure I even like you!  [:P]

Now I feel more in a huff than ever.

And, Frenchie, please don't pay her any more compliments.  I swear it's all going to her head!

Oh, go on then, Clair, tell us how to make the pots of chocolate cream? PLEASE!!![:D]

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[quote user="sweet 17"]Oh, go on then, Clair, tell us how to make the pots of chocolate cream? PLEASE!!![:D][/quote]

Since you ask so nicely...

Easy peasy:

  • 80o ml milk
  • 200 ml liquid cream
  • 200 g bar of dark chocolate @ 70%
  • 3 egg yolks
  • 50 g granulated sugar
  • 4 level tbsp cornflour (Maïzena)
  1. Heat the cream and milk in a large pan until they start bubbling gently.
  2. In the meantime, break the bar of chocolate in smallish pieces in a heat-proof jug or bowl.
  3. Mix the egg yolks, sugar and cornflour in another heat-proof jug or bowl and whisk until the mix becomes pale.
  4. As soon as the milk and cream start bubbling, remove from the heat and pour half over the chocolate. Mix until melted and smooth.
  5. Pour the chocolate mix over the left-over creamy milk, stir and pour gently over the egg, a little at a time, stirring all the time, until all is mixed.
  6. Pour back into the pan and reheat over a gentle flame, stirring all the time until it starts bubbling.
  7. Carry one stirring for another couple of minutes, then pour into small ramekins / cups and cool before putting in the fridge for a couple of hours minimum.
Edit: if you do not have 70% chocolate, add 1 or 2 tbsp of cocoa powder (not drinking chocolate powder!) to the egg & sugar mix.
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[quote user="Weedon"]Here are recipes for both Lemon Pickle and Lime Pickle.  You cook them by just using the sun.  I have made both by placing the jars in my greenhouse.  Neither are for beginners nor the faint-hearted.  If you want to tone them down a little you can mix them with sweet chutney which I have made with peaches or plums.[/quote]

That's an interesting link Weedon

Lime pickle was made here (not by me)two years ago and it was fantastic and then last year, same recipe but it was just not right, maybe off and we ended up chucking it.

Sometimes it is easier to buy a jar of something...


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[quote user="Clair"][quote user="sweet 17"]Oh, go on then, Clair, tell us how to make the pots of chocolate cream? PLEASE!!![:D][/quote]

Since you ask so nicely...

Easy peasy:

  • 80o ml milk

  • 200 ml liquid cream

  • 200 g bar of dark chocolate @ 70%

  • 3 egg yolks

  • 50 g granulated sugar

  • 4 level tbsp cornflour (Maïzena)

  1. Heat the cream and milk in a large pan until they start bubbling gently.

  2. In the meantime, break the bar of chocolate in smallish pieces in a heat-proof jug or bowl.

  3. Mix the egg yolks, sugar and cornflour in another heat-proof jug or bowl and whisk until the mix becomes pale.

  4. As soon as the milk and cream start bubbling, remove from the heat and pour half over the chocolate. Mix until melted and smooth.

  5. Pour the chocolate mix over the left-over creamy milk, stir and pour gently over the egg, a little at a time, stirring all the time, until all is mixed.

  6. Pour back into the pan and reheat over a gentle flame, stirring all the time until it starts bubbling.

  7. Carry one stirring for another couple of minutes, then pour into small ramekins / cups and cool before putting in the fridge for a couple of hours minimum.

Edit: if you do not have 70% chocolate, add 1 or 2 tbsp of cocoa powder (not drinking chocolate powder!) to the egg & sugar mix.[/quote]

Clair, thank you so much for taking the trouble to tell me.

I've changed my mind.  I do love you after all, lots! 

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[quote user="Clair"][quote user="chessfou"]there's a Madhur Jaffrey recipe that works well, [...] they work well out of an ordinary oven (not quite the same as the "real" thing but close enough).[/quote]

Is it this one by any chance?



That's the one.

Please note that any chocolate should be simply eaten while making the naan, under no circumstance should it be included in the mix ...

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