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How Men & Women Shower.


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my shower routine

1. adjust shower direction for adult

2. close shower door and turn on shower and adjust temperature

3. realise there is no shampoo left because her indoors uses  a bottle per hair wash

4. open door with shower still running, walk to cupboard to try and find shampoo

5. if lucky, return to shower avoiding pools of water as i go, then wash hair.

6. shout at wife who thinks its funny turning the taps on and off so water goes cold then scalding hot 

7 look for shower gel and if none  use shampoo or conditioner as soap.

8 exit shower and use the kids towel because my wife has used our 4 when she had a shower.


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Get undressed, sort out what goes in which basket ( gor two)

Turn on shower and adjust temperature

Facial scruff

Rince facial scruff

Wash hair

Rince hair

Use conditioner

Wait for a few minutes,

Meanwhile, wash my body,

Shave legs, armpits ..

Rince conditioner

Get dry IN the shower, not to wet the bathmat too much ( usually that's when the phone rings ... [6] )

Gat out of shower, rinse it

Detangle my hair

Wrap a towel around hair

Use deodorant

Carefully hang the towels for them to dry

Wash my teeth

Dry my hair

Use perfume

Get dressed

Put a bit of make up on

Put on earrings , necklace, ring







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Strip off, shorts into washing basket.

Turn on shower, temperature pre set

Wait until water is warm, into shower.

Get wet all over, turn shower off

Scrub all over including hair using  'all in one' gel.

Turn on shower, rinse off.

Turn off shower. Remove most of water from body whilst in shower cubicle.

Get out, get dry.

3 to 4 mins total.

Minimum water used.

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