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Re: Go Trek yourself


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I can't do it, I can't be a Vulcan[:(] Shur I was a vulcan 3 years ago, and then I started eating meat again. I saw a load of small lambs in a field there yesterday, and as I looked at them hopping round without a care in the world and the sun shining down on them, I thought it was terrible that anyone could eat them.
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It's no use Cat, I just can't transform meself into any of the Starfleet officers. What is wrong with me at all? I just don't know! All I do know is that there are Martians living in Dingle, and that's just fine by me and the quare one. God, we love Martians over here, do any of the rest of you like them? This is the first alien tread I have ever seen on this forum and I am really glad that they are finally being recognised by Archant, It's about time! When can we expect to see The Martian Gazette?
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