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Re: retirement fund


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hi ok


Nice work if you can get it !

"A Well-Planned Retirement" From The Times:

Outside the Bristol Zoo, there is parking for 150
cars and 8 coaches, or buses.

It was manned by a very pleasant attendant with a ticket machine
charging cars £1 and coaches £5.

This p arking attendant worked there for all of 25 years. Then, one
day, he just didn't turn up for work.

"Oh well", said Bristol Zoo Management - "we'd better phone up the
City Council and get them to send a new parking attendant..."

"Er ... no", said the Council, "that car park is your

"Er ... no", said Bristol Zoo Management, "the attendant was employed
by the City Council, wasn't he?"

"Er ... NO!" insisted the Council.

Sitting in his villa somewhere on the coast of Spain , is a bloke who
had been taking the parking fees, estimated at £400 per day at Bristol
Zoo for the last 25 years. Assuming 7 days a week,this amounts to just
over £3.6 million.

And no one even knows his name!

  Dave  it was not

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One of the biggest genuine frauds of fairly recent times took place at the Dartford tunnel and only came to light with the introduction of automatic pay methods when traffic apparently soared massively virtually overnight.

Previously it had been a completely manual system with no count kept of vehicle numbers and the operators in the booths were fiddling on a '1 for me one for you' basis. When they investigated some long term employees were found to be in possession of assets running into into the millions, flash motors, villas in Spain, the lot.

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Is that the copy of the Blackpool Tower you are on about there Clair? If so I have heard of it and didn't realise that so many other people had  [8-)][:D]

I have been up there, but you don't get such a good view of the sea as you do up the original at Blackpool [8-|]

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