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Re: OK own up who's got it!


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Have you or your neighbour got a new Dinosaur in your back garden coz one has gone missing. Apparently one of the robotic Dinosaur's has gone missing from the Australian "Walking with Dinosaurs" show. Valued at around £60,000 it apparently disappeared during a show, one minute it was there and next, gone. Somebody obviously had a very big pocket.

Source.: Daily Telegraph

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What a load of %*+@, why can't the 'artist' just sign another brick ?

Oh sorry just realised, to do that would destroy the exclusivity of the original [+o(]

The thief probably needed it to brick up a car he wanted to nick a wheel from or smash the window at the Jewelers round the corner. Far better use of a brick IMO [:P]

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[quote user="P2"][quote user="Weedon"]There's a lot of pilfering about, as this report shows![/quote] I must be an absolute heathen because all I can see is a brick that someone has put their signature on[/quote]

Well P2 that is because you just don't appreciate art.  In this case and other similar loads of old tat, the art is in convincing just one person  that what they are looking at is unique.  The very fact that one person has more money than sense and is prepared to part with more than the going rate for a load of bricks is not only art it's sheer blooming genius I reckon.

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