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Re: Royal Navy to share ships with the French


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 What happens when we fall out with a country that the French have a fat contract to supply weapons to ..Such as Exocet Missiles ...like they did  to  Argentina ... Have people forgotten that France always puts her national interest first.... every time  Any agreement to aid the UK would soon be broken , I can not see her sending in an air strike from her carrier on our behalf if it would damage  French interests .... Its a non starter !

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Shhhhhhh! Be very very quiet! Can you hear that faint humming? That's the sound of Nelson spinning in his grave!

It would be interesting to serve on a Anglo/French ship though. Better scran (grub) and prettier Wrens! (Got to be better than the old HMS Hermes!)

It's true though, that whatever agreement our Gallic cousins sign up to, they will always put their country first. About bl**dy time we did too, instead of always 'playing the game' and getting our noses rubbed in it!

Vive la France and Remember Nelson!
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I can only see trouble if that goes ahead, particularly on change over Mondays with the bitching about the state of the living quarters and the empty beer cans lying about. Then it will be the smell of garlic and onions the next Monday, the re-tuning of the telly from Canal to Sky and the arguements about pillows and bolsters. The practicalities have not been thought through.

On the upside, it will be obvious who is in charge as the flashing indicator will be going all the way across the Atlantic...I'm assuming aircraft carriers have flashing indicators!

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My Great Grandfather was a sailor in the French Navy (Dardanelles etc..) he used to send my Great Grandmother the odd carte postale from various ports....One day she received a card reading.....Ma douce aimée, je t’écris aujourd’hui au crayon à papier car nous venons de jeter l’ancre !!!!

Not much related to this post but very funny i think.
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[quote user="Frederick"]


 What happens when we fall out with a country that the French have a fat contract to supply weapons to ..Such as Exocet Missiles ...like they did  to  Argentina ... Have people forgotten that France always puts her national interest first.... every time  Any agreement to aid the UK would soon be broken , I can not see her sending in an air strike from her carrier on our behalf if it would damage  French interests .... Its a non starter !


I let you in onto a national secret, They are preparing the old Velodrome in Drancy for such repatriation to Blighty should the need arise.
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Quite apart from the political considerations, maybe the MOD might want to check the French media..................and not let them build any of them[:D]

2008 the Rafaele fleet was grounded for 5 months due to a virus in the avionics package. Admitted after the problem had been fixed. In 20 years, despite paying the best bribes, they haven't sold a single one outside of France. Definately not from lack of effort[:D]

2009 Bastille Day. 2 Leclerc tanks missing from the parade unit. When asked why, the Army admitted at any time they were lucky if only 90% were immobile and they didn't have enough good ones today[:D]

I think was 4 years after commissioning before the CdG moved under it's own power[:D]

NB the nearest I came to the Armed Forces was 2 weeks officer training with the Paras. Hated it, spent most of trhe time bored out of my mind. I admire anyone who came put up with it.


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