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Re: Lottery Winner


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I calculated that even at the ridiculous base interest rate in UK (if you need reminding ! 0.50%) that amount gives you about £2200 to spend a day, never mind the interest gathering on the unspent bit left in the swiss account ...

I have mentally spent about 10million of it with the usual : family, house, car, dear friends, holidays, few good causes dear to me and then I am sitting in my armchair, swigging the whisky back, scratching my head to find what else is there to spend this money on ?...

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I heard an earlier couple of winners on R4 this morning. They sounded very relaxed and happy about their huge win. They said they had given a vast amount of money away, to family and for charitable works, moved house, but had kept old friends - and made others ........ !  [:)] 

 They sounded a very level-headed couple, unlike some we've heard of over the years. They said they had loved making an awful lot of people happy - how lovely!  [:)]

I've always thought I'd like to receive an amount of money to ensure we'll always be comfortable, but the thought of so much money is scary to me. I'd love to give a lot to charities I support; we have quite a few, and it's become more difficult over the last few years with a fixed income and such minute interest rates.

I popped some money in a charity collector's box on Friday in town; she was saying how little was coming in, but that every penny helped. I noticed that her 'vest' had 'volunteer' on it as well as the cancer charity's name - she was saying that people are so much more aware of 'charity chuggers' these days that people are more wary of approaching to donate, and this was a way to let people know there was nothing in it for the collectors..

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[quote user="Russethouse"]


Its lovely that they seem pretty happy with their lot already, but I can't help wishing they seemed a bit more enthusiastic about spending the money....'no point in changing a reliable car' [:-))]


They are Scottish [:)] why did they spend the money on the ticket is they see no point in changing a reliable car and happy with their lot... or was that just journalism talking

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gosh Mr. Nectarine and I have often discussed how we would spend a big lottery win. The usual -= taking care of family and friends, generous donations to charities - and then, by bingo, would we live the high life. I'd have plenty of staff to clean, garden, chauffeur and thus relieve me of the drudgery so I could concentrate on pure pleasure. First class everywhere, the best seats at the theatre ... yes I think I'm definitely a more worthy winner of the 161 million!
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Well I wish them joy of it - We'd certainly would move and have staff, especially for the garden - what fun !!! And we'd have a new car, or two.....and a camper van or Airstream.

Then I'd think about donating money to charity and to set up scholarships

Boy, no way would I be thinking twice about getting rid of a reliable car - (I'd give it to someone who needed it)

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[quote user="Rabbie"][quote user="NickP"]Looking at the pair of them, I would think that they will spend most of their winnings in McDonald's. [:D]

[/quote]Nah! they'll go somewhere where they can get deepfried Mars Bar[:D][/quote]

So Fort William it is then? [:D]

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Well; reading RH's ambitions has made me realise how shallow my own thoughts on all this money are/were. What I would have done first is taken up the advertising space in the papers left clear by Mr Murdoch, to have a picture of me with a very large cheque and me waving with two fingers only; to all the peasants. But now----------- sod it I'd stick with my original idea, sorry RH. [:D]
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[quote user="LAiffricaine"][quote user="sweet 17"]

You cynical and rude people [:P]

How do you know they won't have his n hers gastric bands fitted?[:P]



On the NHS ? ...


Well, their weight and size COULD qualify them, don't you think?[:D][;-)]

PS:  I don't think the software likes the apostrophe in your name, L'Aiffricaine!  Probably doesn't know whether it's appropriately used?  LOL (don't take offence, just that the question of the use of the apostrophe crops up every so often on here and we laugh about it!)

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Seriously I think we should support these people and allow them to take full advantage of this opportunity to finally better themselves.

I suggest the gentleman should spend some time in London, taking elocution lessons and brushing up on his social skills. It is essential that he also employs the services of a decent taylor and purchases at least two pairs of decent shoes.

The lady would do well to spend a period in that fairest of cities; Paris. Here she could learn important lessons about fashion, the arts, and other important aspects of life which to date have been denied her by her social class and physical location.

Of course you can never make commoners into gentlefolk simply by throwing money at them, regardless of the amount, but by following the advice given above they could at least learn to blend into decent society more easily, whilst no longer hanging their heads in shame every time they look at the mirror.
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[quote user="Etoile"]Seriously I think we should support these people and allow them to take full advantage of this opportunity to finally better themselves. I suggest the gentleman should spend some time in London, taking elocution lessons and brushing up on his social skills. It is essential that he also employs the services of a decent taylor and purchases at least two pairs of decent shoes. The lady would do well to spend a period in that fairest of cities; Paris. Here she could learn important lessons about fashion, the arts, and other important aspects of life which to date have been denied her by her social class and physical location. Of course you can never make commoners into gentlefolk simply by throwing money at them, regardless of the amount, but by following the advice given above they could at least learn to blend into decent society more easily, whilst no longer hanging their heads in shame every time they look at the mirror.[/quote]It would be a mistake for the gentleman to loose his scottish accent. I always find my french works much better in France after I have explained "Pas Anglais, Ecossais". It also seems to improve french people's ability to understand english[:D]
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[quote user="sweet 17"]

PS:  I don't think the software likes the apostrophe in your name, L'Aiffricaine!  Probably doesn't know whether it's appropriately used?  LOL (don't take offence, just that the question of the use of the apostrophe crops up every so often on here and we laugh about it!)


JRs  [:D][:P][:D][:P]

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From what I saw of them on TV they seemed a pleasant couple; a bit on the large side, but at least they weren't funding their lifestyle on benefits!

I've just popped in to our little local M&S and saw headlines saying that the couple have had to flee their home. They did seem to think ther win wouldn't change their lives a great deal - I think they reckoned without all the publicity bringing out all the beggars for funds!

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I hope they travel by private jet and stick two fingers up at the toffee nosed lot in the line up for 1st class as they are driven through the airport in the golf buggy . And stay at the same hotel as Michel Winner and Simon Cowell do for Xmas and have the hotel ship in Iron Brew

for them ... I hope they enjoy spending every penny .
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[quote user="sweet 17"]     ...    I don't think the software likes the apostrophe in your name, L'Aiffricaine!  Probably doesn't know whether it's appropriately used?  LOL (don't take offence, just that the question of the use of the apostrophe crops up every so often on here and we laugh about it!) [/quote]

Tell the software that my apostrophe is genuine and correctly used. In French you have an apostrophe when you need to write La Aiffricaine. Don't go well on the ear so it mutates to L apostrophe Aif... Isn't that right ?


No offence taken [:D] and I had a good laugh once about an incorrect apostrophe I saw whilst an afternoon stroll around Limoges. The restaurant I was walking by was called : La Tart'in...   Was she in ? It didn't seem so as there weren't any 'customers'  ... Maybe wrong time of the day [;-)]


However ... back to our lottery winners ...

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L'Aiffricaine, that's terrible....truely.......but I laughed like a drain!

La tart, la tarte....believe me, I can no longer tell the difference as my English is now almost as bad as my French!

But, seriously, nobody can quote you without getting rid of your apostrophe.

As for the winners, I know what I'd recommend for them if they want to live a long life to enjoy their money.  I'd go to the chef de cuisine at Champneys (lovely food), poach him (no, not in boiling water but as in stealing), engage him to prepare me wondrous non-fattening meals, build a gym, engage a personal trainer, get my body down to a respectable size and then cock a nook at all the people laughing at my weight.

Hell, I might even pay or buy whatever glossy is out there and feature myself on the Centre Page![6]  Well, it will be MY publication so they'll have to look whether they want to or not.... [:P]

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I wonder why they went public? IF I won that lot I wouldn't. I'd probably say I had won the £million on the raffle, to explain my increased spending, and it is a lot, but in this day an age, not a huge fortune either. 



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