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Complete France Forum

Which and Why?

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Hi all!

I have been browsing through this fascinating site for about 2 weeks, and now it my turn to ask a question! When you moved to Normandy which Estate Agents did you use, and what was the reason for your choice?


PSan [:)]

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I don't think the moderators would allow me to mention the agency by name, but you will find a clue to the person who currently runs it here http://www.completefrance.com/cs/forums/1999383/ShowPost.aspx .

The reason is basically that I think you would get a more professional, and much more honest service than from most of the other agencies. Operating on very low overheads they are much less driven by desperation to earn their fees in these difficult times.

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Hi Will!

Thank you for your quick, and very discreet reply! I think that I have worked links out, and will be making further investigations! I have learnt much from contributors here, and plan to follow advice as posted. Look, think, over some time, and then make a decision. I can guess that you will work out what that decision is!

All best wishes, and thanks,


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For anyone who speaks reasonable French and is confident that they know the market well, then Le Bon Coin is a great way of finding private sales in the area you want (and thereby not paying agents fees of about 6 - 7%).

Another good place to look is on the notaires website; they do charge commission, but it's less than agents charge.
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