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Re: Idiots!!


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[quote user="woolybanana"]What a bunch of *ankers


If I was involved in this I think I would get Mary to wear a hard hat with day-glo jacket, not forgetting the donkey also wearing a hard hat.

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[quote user="nomoss"]

[quote user="Pommier"]It seems a sensible precaution to me. After all, the donkey could easily be spooked and bolt leaving the child injured.[/quote]


Mary was lucky then[:D]



[/quote]She had divine protection.

Seriously though just because a risk is unlikely doesn't mean it won't happen. 

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Rabbie said:

'Seriously though just because a risk is unlikely doesn't mean it won't happen. '

So, there is a chance of having an accident driving a car. Yes, there are seat belts, air bags, crumple zones etc but accidents still happen and people get injured or they even die. So perhaps the ultimate H&S brigade should ban cars. People get burnt using cookers so let's ban those. People hit their thumbs using hammers so let's ban those. Let's ban all sport because people get injured.

It goes on and on.......

About time H&S lightened up a little - next the army will be carrying out risk assessments to establish if firing a gun could injure someone and when it is identified that they could the gun is not fired.
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"About time H&S lightened up a little - next the army will be carrying out risk assessments to establish if firing a gun could injure someone and when it is identified that they could the gun is not fired. "

That seems a little over the top to me PaulT.

It is the owner of the donkey who is insisting on the hard hat in order to comply with the terms of his insurance. Nothing to do with the Elf and Safety Executive.

It seems pretty sensible to me for a child who may not be a regular rider to wear a hat especially when travelling on streets rather than a field.

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[quote user="PaulT"]Rabbie said:

'Seriously though just because a risk is unlikely doesn't mean it won't happen. '

So, there is a chance of having an accident driving a car. Yes, there are seat belts, air bags, crumple zones etc but accidents still happen and people get injured or they even die. So perhaps the ultimate H&S brigade should ban cars. People get burnt using cookers so let's ban those. People hit their thumbs using hammers so let's ban those. Let's ban all sport because people get injured.

It goes on and on.......

About time H&S lightened up a little - next the army will be carrying out risk assessments to establish if firing a gun could injure someone and when it is identified that they could the gun is not fired.[/quote]

Yes people are killed and badly injured in car crashes but seat belts, air bags and crumple zones do reduce the severity of many injuries. I know because I was involved in accident when someone skidded across the road straight into me. Without a seat belt I could have been seriously injured but I wasn't thanks to the seat belt.

No-one is saying the child shouldn't ride the donkey only that she take sensible precautions in case an accident happens. I know I would want my grand daughter to have her head protected in these circumstances

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My turn to be controversial

Isn't the whole Nativity scene thing just a myth? Nothing about it in the bible

I think it was made up by St Francis of Assisi several hundred years after the event (for what reason I don't know)

And the whole idea of Mary and Joseph going to Bethlehem for a census is very shaky ground as there is no record of this, and the Romans were very good at keeping records

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