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Re: The Tories' Development plans for Britain


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I agree that its not a very good joke.

However, I was one of the sad people who watched the budget live and my reaction to the pictures of those two laughing at the opposition response to the budget did make me angry and reminded me very much of old films showing the antics of "toffs".

It was the attitude of s*d you, we can do what we want.

Although the press condemned Miliband for a poor performance ( not sure where I read it), I thought he, for once, gave a good response.

NB: Really going off the original post, to illustrate differences between my and the press response to events, I do recall an FA cup football match between Port Vale and Manchester United quite a while ago.  PV had got a long way.

I watched that match (as a Port Vale supporter) and was absolutely dumbfounded that Bryan Robson of  Man U had not been sent off for the number of dirty fouls he had committed. I'd certainly seen a few PV players in their league sent off for much lesser tackles. Driving home from the match I was astonished to listen to the post match review which said how wonderful the midfield dynamo Robson was and how his incisive tackles had nibbled at the opposition and he had dominated the mid field. .

In my view, the press really do twist facts sometimes.
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Richard said 'Although the press condemned Miliband for a poor performance ( not sure where I read it), I thought he, for once, gave a good response. '

Now should it not have been Balls who made the response - but perhaps not after the last budget when he lived up to his name.
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[quote user="PaulT"] ' Now should it not have been Balls who made the response - but perhaps not after the last budget when he lived up to his name.[/quote]

It is always the Leader of the Opposition who replies to the budget speech. Probably to give the  Shadow Chancellor more time to actually consider what is in the budget.

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