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Re: Repas des Aines


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Well, this was our 3rd Commune 'Old Folk's Lunch' yesterday and thoroughly enjoyable it was too.

A really excellent 6-course meal up to & exceeding the standard of any banqueting that I've had in serious London hotels. I couldn't help feeling though that we and another British couple were about 10 years younger than anybody else there! It's almost as if the French locals don't feel that they ought to come until they're well in to their 70's!

Had to smile though. The 'band' (husband & wife, who were actually quite good) launched in to that old number 'Yellow River'. (Christie, 1970).

Unfortunately, the chorus came out as "Lucky Liver, Lucky Liver" .................

Well done to the Mairie though - a really nice thing.
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We have to wait until March for ours, but yes, I often feel I'm one of the youngest .... except for all the conseillers who attend also, to make sure all goes to plan (oh, and the maire, who is definitely not among the aged, though he has more grey hair than me, probably because he's got young children!)

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The last 'village lunch' we went to was on 11.11 with the Ancient Combattants of which I am a very proud member for the past 7 years or so and it's always a good afternoon.

The next is on Thursday 11th, this week, with our village 3rd age club. As above, it's always a good-un and a real pleasure to spend time with our villagers. They are lovely people and have taken us into their hearts.

Then we will have to wait until next Tuesday for the lunch with the village walking groupe. That's a bring the grub affair and always a superb lunch.

In the 24 years I lived in a 'village' atmosphere in the U.K. I didn't ever have the same atmosphere of belonging to a comunity as here. It's a lovely feeling to be so accepted as we are.

Probably mascots!!??

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