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Re: The songs we are singing


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[quote user="sweet 17"]Frenchie

Remember me?  I am still learning French folk songs with simple tunes as part of my efforts to learn your beautiful language.  Do you have the words to Martini's Plaisir d'amour?  Nice bass notes too

Oh yes I remember you of course! Well, Krusty beat me to it, as he said, I was working.

Here is a simple tune we learn when we are kids, simple tune of course , but it is true that it is convenient to learn the language..


Il Pleut, Il Pleut Bergère Marc Ogéret lyrics

Title: Il Pleut, Il Pleut Bergère

Il pleut, il pleut bergère,
Presse tes blancs moutons,
Allons sous ma chaumière
Bergère, vite, allons.
J'entends sous le feuillage
L'eau qui tombe à grand bruit,
Voici, voici l'orage
Voici l'éclair qui luit.

Entends-tu le tonnerre ?
Il roule en approchant,
Prends un abri bergère
A ma droite en marchant.
Je vois notre cabane,
Et tiens, voici venir
Ma mère et ma sœur Anne
Qui vont l'étable ouvrir.

Bonsoir,bonsoir ma mère,
Ma sœur Anne bonsoir,
J'amène ma bergère
Près de nous ce soir.
Va te sécher ma mie,
Auprès de nos tisons.
Sœur, fais-lui compagnie,
[Il Pleut, Il Pleut Bergère Lyrics on http://www.lyricsmania.com]
Entrez, petits moutons.

Soignons bien, ô ma mère
Son tant joli troupeau;
Donnez plus de litière
A son petit agneau.
C'est fait, allons près d'elle
Eh bien, donc, te voilà !
En corset qu'elle est belle
Ma mère voyez-la.

Soupons! Prends cette chaise,
Tu seras près de moi;
Ce flambeau de mélèze
Brûlera devant toi.
Goûte de ce laitage
Mais tu ne manges pas !
Tu te sens de l'orage ?
Il a lassé tes pas.

Eh bien! voilà ta couche :
Dors-y bien jusqu'au jour;
Laisse-moi sur ta bouche
Prendre un baiser d'amour.
Ne rougis pas, bergère,
Ma mère et moi demain
Nous irons chez ton père
Lui demander ta main. 

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In memory of a fantastic week end in Liverpool, where it all began.. Macca " Golden slumbers/ Carry that weight / the end.. "

As a teenager; I personnally improved my command of English while listening to the Beatles' songs.. and studying the lyrics , obviously..

http://youtube.com/watch?v=goLpZyEM03w   PS : Take notice of who's on drums !


ANd in the end... the love you take ... [;-)]

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Good morning ! [:)]

One of my top 10 most beautiful love songs ever 

There is no real order

N 1 ) " Martha My Dear "  The Beatles..  Listen to those lyrics.. [I]   http://youtube.com/watch?v=oBClAZmLsWY    [kiss]


N 2 )   Julia      http://youtube.com/watch?v=V5A2IAgyQEg    What I love ? The poetry in it   " Her hair of floating sky is shimering , glimmering, in the sun.. ... Seashell eyes.. Windy smile...sleeping sand, silent cloud..  " 


N 3 ) Sting  " Mad about you"  http://youtube.com/watch?v=uAa3rU41dAw     ( I adore this one )


N 4) MC Solaar   " Caroline "   http://youtube.com/watch?v=PjELabiPItw    Magnifique.. I usually don't  like rap, but this is not rap, it is pure poetry.. Too bad if you don't understand the lyrics 100%


N 5 ) Steve, you should like my choice now,since you are a Lennon fan,

      John Lennon       " God "             http://youtube.com/watch?v=UuknBhy-lN4    I find the video awesome

" I  just believe in me, Yoko and me , that s reality"  ..  


 More songs to come to my top ten ..                    What s yours?      [blink]



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[quote user="krusty"]

As a teenager I was dissapointed when I bought the yellow submarine LP ....side two was full of orchestral music from the film ....but from side one ......northern song


[/quote]   Awww   Only A Northern Song is one of my favourites.. The version you posted is slightly slower than the original one innit?
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[quote user="RobS"]

Are we talking of love songs or songs that people associate with love? Cos the first two of yours are about Paul's dog and John's mum which I wouldn't say were subjects to write love songs about. If they are songs you associate with a particular moment, then we are looking at a different topic altogether. The reason I ask is that with KN's song I can imagine a young girl singing about a man she likes but is uncertain if he loves her. That to me is a love song,

I agree that everyone has different tastes and you are never going to get peoples agreement on what is the 'best ever' song.



[/quote] Being a Beatle fan of course I know originally the song " Martha" was written for Paul's dog, but you also know it has become more than that, it has become a universal declaration of love many lovers adopted ...  It is just the same for Julia...

And , no, I don't associate those two songs with particular moments.. Just songs that touch our hearts when we have someone special in our lives, no?



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Here are some more love songs to complete my list  

 -" Here , there, and everywhere"   I started loving this song when I was 17 !! ( yes, I know.. long ago   LOL  )  http://youtube.com/watch?v=q1ufDdiK9xY    

 -Peter gabriel  " In your eyes"  ( he s sooo gorgeous   ... [:)]  )    A very special song to me


- Plain white TS   " Hey there Delilah"  http://youtube.com/watch?v=h_m-BjrxmgI   

- Calico skies    Macca   http://youtube.com/watch?v=a2l4KVr68I0

- Last but not least .. awesome lyrics   " Grow old with me" Lennon.............. http://youtube.com/watch?v=jCFdj_X6_VU  

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