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alas, NOT in my own words!


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We've got a PM who wants to be on the

front cover of Vogue and a President who obsesses about being on the

front cover of Time magazine. And his ratings on Apprentice. And the

size of his inauguration crowdlet.

Oh, and a Russian leader who likes being photographed with his shirt off. On a horse.

"Man of the people" Farage likes to be photographed in gold lifts and

Johnson loves the sound of his own voice. Or being stuck up a zip wire

with union jacks sticking out of every orifice.

Meanwhile Corbyn goes AWOL during the Brexit campaign. He's getting

such a hammering from the press that he doesn't want to be on the front

cover of anything.

Is it too much to ask to have some serious leaders who actually have some policies that aren't vanity projects?

I found this very enjoyable comment from a reader in the Gardian today and I thought I'd share it here so that we can all enjoy it[:D]

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This is not really on the lighter side.

Corbyn does have policies that are actually very good.Trouble is that people are too money oriented and self-centred to think of the problems of other people.

One can have a good life without ...... on other people.
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These politicians would doubtless say that they had plenty of substance but that the style element was essential these days.

As to Corbyn, well, the Cubanization of the country, decision making by meeting and not parliaments, rule of trade unions, destruction of the middle classes.

No, I am wrong, of course, it is the Venezualiation of the UK they want.
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