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Now Macron is holding Trump's hand......!!!


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Yikes!  I thought it was bad enough when May went to Washington and held Trump's hand.  And now Macron is doing it as well!

Shaking hands, fine, accepted practice, photo ops, etc but HOLDING hands ...........[+o(]  And I thought PDAs were considered naff and tacky?

Where is Mme Merkel when you need her, showing these adolescents how things are done properly and appropriately?

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What about Trumps public announcement, "you have a little bit of dandruff Mr Macron, must make sure you are perfect" did it need to be said to the world? Is this what makes us different, it seems to be an American put down, points scoring if you will.

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The Evening Standard has some classic photos of the meeting - I couldn't copy the link.

In spite of opposition a home, ie the french dislike of Trump, it seems Macron needs the support of the USA in his defense of the syrian 'rebels'.

I wish I knew more about the history, but it seems that France still has strong links with Syria. Therefore need to control Iran.
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[quote user="Théière"]What about Trumps public announcement, "you have a little bit of dandruff Mr Macron, must make sure you are perfect" did it need to be said to the world? Is this what makes us different, it seems to be an American put down, points scoring if you will.


I reckon it's dandruff envy. I don't think you get dandruff in synthetic fibres. ?
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I heard Pres. Macron utter on his trip to the US, something about 'making France great again'.

I thought to myself, good luck with that one, my old son.

Then looking back I began to wonder when that might have been, the only real date I could think of was 1066. ;-)

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PatF: In spite of opposition a home, ie the french dislike of Trump, it seems Macron needs the support of the USA in his defense of the syrian 'rebels'.

In the immortal words of Maggie May is not a rebel a rebel - ie opposing the legitimate government of Syria and so prolonging a vicious war.

Don't you think that US, UK and France are somewhat hypocritical over weapons in the middle east.


This forum is getting more extremist by the minute.

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Richard, why just pick on those three; you might add Germany, Russia, China, Sweden, China, India, Belgium ....... where does it end?

My great sadness is that Macron did not chew a dirty great hunk of garlic before giving Trump his gallic hug. I reckon that the plastic hair would have stood straight and his poncy little lips would have gone bright white.
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WB Because those three used the excuse that the Syria government have "got chemical weapons". Good political diversionary tactics well used by Maggie T in the Falklands

I don't like Mr Trump too - there are quite a few obvious (to most thinking people anyway) reasons why. Some people just like to bury their heads in the sand over his traits though. NB he didnt win the popular vote - mainly the people of certain vile mindsets only..
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