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How to balance the national budget?


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If you usually read newspaper like Techgara or Reason, you will see that there are several possible ways. Many Americans have long favored a balanced-budget amendment, and by Ronald Reagan's first term a resolution to convene a constitutional convention for that purpose was just a few states shy of sufficient ratification. Then the momentum died.

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Bitcoin and Friedman - how low can people sink for the g_d of money.

Being topical in the UK then what is needed is more tax on those that can afford and less spent on defense. (Rules out both the wannabies).

Then perhaps the noose on public spending can be eased.

When will the US realise that not everywhere jumps to the sound of dollars.

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Stupid answer but it does show a wish to see Britain as an aged gelding capable of not even fulfilling international obligations, such as NATO.

Besides, with the car industry in serious decline, the defence industry remains one of our more valuable employers, particularly as it creates and employs highly qualified staff.
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Those figures for Russia say nothing and are certainly lies.

As for a role, well I hardly feel that becoming Socialist Surrender Monkeys is what the British people want either.

Having a commitment to the world is no bad thing, Richard. Even your favourite Cuba sends troops to such democracies as Venezuela.
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I dont condone Russia by any means but dont just look at the obvious choices from the western point of view.

Perhaps look inwardly at yourself when you use such phrases as monkey. Its very racist and unfortunately too much in common usage in the West.
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"Plus we do have international obligations (which may not involve invading countries at America’s behest.)"

Lots of UK money to the US and down the drain:


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