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DGFIP - request for information


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I have today received a letter from DGFIP (Reims). The completed form has to be sent to DGFIP Nemours. The letter says:

La direction des finances publiques chercher a ameliorer en permanence la qualite de service a votre profit.

Dans ce but, elle doit disposer d'information completes et exactes sur votre etat civil.

Or, les informations vous concernant doivent etre precisees.

Ces elements nous sont indispensables pour la bonne gestion de votre dossier, notamment dans la perspective de la retenue a la source de i'impot sur le revenue a la source de l'impot sur le revenue prevue a partir de 2018.

Je vous prie donc de bien vouloir

- verifier, corriger si necessaire ou completer le formulaire que vous trouverez au dos de ce couurrier;

- et nous le renvoyer dans l'enveloppe T jointe avant le 31 mars 2016

Le soin que vous voudrez bien apporter a cette reponse est de votre interet car il permettra d'eviter des erreurs a votre detriment.

All the details on the back of the form are correct except for one. It says place of birth Royaume Uni - I was actually born in Singapore (my father was in the army) and all forms I have filled in previously state this.

Both OH and I are retired with S1s.

Has anyone else received a letter?
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Oh my goodness we had the same letter this morning. All details are correct except we must fill in I think the number from the carte vital.

Could some kind person clarify this for me please .

In answer to this ...

Dans ce but, elle doit disposer d'information completes et exactes sur votre etat civil.

Do we send a copy of the marriage certificate?

And for this do we send a copy of the last letter from the state pension office saying what the state pension is for husband and or do we send the letter showing what state pension we have for both .. how do you predict for 2018??? I am confused. Thank you
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I am simply ignoring the form on the basis that nobody is saying that I must fill it in and what they have pre-filled out is correct and the blank spaces are none of their business.


Its heartening to see how integrated and compliant you all are though.


On second thoughts, why miss the opportunity to have some fun?  I am just going to send it back exactly as it is [;-)]

I have verified the info, no corrections are necessary, its says "ou completer" not "et completer".


Lets see how long this one will drag on.

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Having had a long and tiring day, I have just had a quick look at my letter  which came today.

So, what has struck me?

Firstly, the envelope that doesn't require a stamp!  Don't know when I last had one of those in France and certainly I don't think ever from a public sector body.  Therefore, the info requested must be of

great importance to them, certainly more important for them to receive than for me to give.

Secondly, my letter is signed by one Bruno PARENT..............sniff.....shades of the nanny state?

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A scary thought, I had an idea that just maybe it was powers that be collecting info for when Britain exits the EU they will have our data in one box freshly collected and up to date ! The I.P. on the end I had down for meaning I=Immigration, P= Passports. Doh!

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The government has been generally checking and tightening up on potential tax targets or fiddlers and as ex-pats we are one of those.

They are now going for people trying to scratch a bit extra on ebay, le bon coin and others.

They still maintain that there are loads of people hiding money outside France too; (one former minister, Cahuzac, is on trial at the moment for just this and there are accusations elsewhere.)

But then, it is always useful to have straw men and women to blame for your own incompetence.

Really, Hollande should have kept his word and cut government spending properly rather than simply planing a bit off round the edges and keeping the useless middle intact.

But then, the commonsense of the French people seems to be coming out in the polls for the moment.
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I guess this could be part of the transition to PUMA (new universal healthcare scheme) since according to the Ameli website the fisc are to be involved . . .

"Les informations servant à déterminer si vous avez ou non à payer la cotisation sont directement transmises par l'administration fiscale."

Info here

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I think you are right and may also be to do with the end of CSG as of the 1st Jan 2016 which is replaced with the "impôt citoyen sur le revenue" (citizen income tax) that is not a social tax like the old CSG. This will be absorbed into the normal tax regime and covers both French citizens and residents. Certainly the threshold is the same as the new PUMA band per person. It is also a progressive tax in the same way as income tax. It also stops people on S1's claiming back the CSG from the year 2016 because of course it won't exist. This may also affect those residents from other EU countries that have been in France for many years who were allowed to stay in the French system when France adopted the EU legislation a few years back by paying a small percentage even though they were 'inactive'. At the moment I cannot find anything on a French government website it is only what I have read in French newspapers like the one below.



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