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Dick Smith

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[quote user="TWINKLE"][quote user="Opas"]

I was curious so went to have a peep...................site is down[:D][:D]



That makes you happy?  How extraordianarily sad![:(]


Cricky talk about jumping down ones throat, didn`t think there was anything offensive there!

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The irony (as Dick mentioned) is that some currently banned members from this forum and some of the current members of this forum are complaining that on the forum they are now using people are posting whatever they like and where is the administrator and in particular where are the moderators. You should go and have a look. What’s even funnier is that it appears that one member who fought so hard to get another banned from this forum is chatting away to that banned member on the other forum as if they are almost best mates. It’s all rather amusing really. I was wondering if the other forum would like to hire the LF moderators to look after it for them now it’s nice and quiet here and we have a bit of spare time (in between moderating here and doing the ironing of course).


As someone who is very straight, I like to know what is going on and who I am having to deal with. That is why I know so much (not everything ofcourse) but, never the less, so much about France.  I can obviously do nothing about some things and have to live with them or not, and if you have noticed, I have chosen NOT to live with some things recently.

If my business elsewhere is going to come under scrutiny here, well shame on you, in fact, how dare you, you can shove your iron where the sun doesn't shine! 

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Blimey Quillan, I find your post very hard to read and take in.  Have you never heard of full stops or commas?  As a moderator on this forum I would of thought you wouldn't get much time to view other forums, yet you seem to know the ins and outs of who is posting where!  Why are you asking folk to look at another site where there are members who are banned from here?  Its almost as though you are mocking them.  That seems highly unfair to me, seeing as you find it all so amusing. 

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but its just my point of view.



Thankyou Dotty.[:)]

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[quote user="Dotty Trois"][quote user="Quillan"]

[quote user="Michael"]Yep Quillans reply sums it up, hope i have not broken the rules by that remark.Michael.[/quote]

Not at all Michael.

The irony (as Dick mentioned) is that some currently banned members from this forum and some of the current members of this forum are complaining that on the forum they are now using people are posting whatever they like and where is the administrator and in particular where are the moderators. You should go and have a look. What’s even funnier is that it appears that one member who fought so hard to get another banned from this forum is chatting away to that banned member on the other forum as if they are almost best mates. It’s all rather amusing really. I was wondering if the other forum would like to hire the LF moderators to look after it for them now it’s nice and quiet here and we have a bit of spare time (in between moderating here and doing the ironing of course).



Blimey Quillan, I find your post very hard to read and take in.  Have you never heard of full stops or commas?  As a moderator on this forum I would of thought you wouldn't get much time to view other forums, yet you seem to know the ins and outs of who is posting where!  Why are you asking folk to look at another site where there are members who are banned from here?  Its almost as though you are mocking them.  That seems highly unfair to me, seeing as you find it all so amusing. 

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but its just my point of view.



Beryl – Firstly I didn’t answer previously because I am busy (not doing the ironing I hasten to add). I and the other moderators didn’t go find it, it was mentioned in a thread here (http://www.completefrance.com/cs/forums/675861/ShowPost.aspx#675861) along with another forum for anyone to go visit. You should also be aware that we are forum members who are also moderators, not moderators who are forum members. By that I mean we are member’s first and moderators second and then normally only with our hats on. I’m afraid my command of the English language is not as good as others or as it should be so I rely on MS Word to punctuate for me (and do my spelling as well).

Mocking absolutely not, amusing yes. I found it amusing that those who complained about the moderation on this forum go to another and complain that there is none there. If they asked the same questions here they would have been answered. I was inviting others to have a look that’s all. I am sorry if you read it differently as that’s not what was intended.

Teamedup – I am very, very sorry if you have taken personal offence at what I wrote. They were general comments and not specifically aimed at individuals. I therefore apologise to you, I would have done it in private but as you have mentioned it in open forum I am happy to apologise to you in open forum.

General comment – I actually agree with what TU has said from the point of view that people were in another forum discussing what was going on in this forum and in particular comments about moderators be them rather snide. Of course we can’t see them now as the forum has been closed down. Has anyone emailed the other website to ask why the forum was taken down or do they know why?


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Talking about ironing..When I spent some time in the 50's, in a chest clinic on the Isle of Wight, the laundry had the terrible habit of ironing the khaki shorts issued to us inmates, sideways, from seam to seam. It made us look like matchstick boys,[which most of us were ] Skinny legs, knobbly knees and these very wide shorts.The bad news being that my wife always irons my work jeans the same way. No wonder people feel sorry for me when I'm out.

Regards.B&B St Malo. ourinns.org

P.S. I thought a bit of humour may be needed!!

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Quillan, it seems that you have misunderstood something.

On the 'other forum' there was a strange situation. Several of us posted there, and one of their regulars, it seemd almost like an abandoned forum. There was no sign of forum admin or moderators, so someone asked the obvious question, who was running the site and who moderating it.

That wasn't, as your non-mocking post (sic) suggested, someone 'complaining' about the lack of moderation. That was an interpretation you placed on it for your own ends, presumably to continue to belittle and demean.

As for being a forum member first and then a moderator, well there are things that a moderator can do that I can't, so I have to be very careful what I post to you, as you have made clear in PMs.

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[quote user="Dick Smith"]Ah. Would you care to expand on that, Beryl?

Was it not you that opened a thread about the Moderator Hell Pit forum and them proceeded to slate the new LF 'lounge' ? If I am wrong then I apologise totally.

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Yes, I did. But I still don't understand your point - apart from telling tales, of course! Perhaps you'll get a sweetie from you-know-who.

Look at all the posts on that site (when you can) - what proportion are about this place?

Also - we are not allowed to discuss those things here, are we?

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Well you did ask me to expand Dick.

My point is that I cannot see the point of joining a new forum just to complain about another one! I just think its very petty.

I'm not surprised that its closed down ( if it has) as the owners must have wondered what had hit them!

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[quote user="Dick Smith"]Quillan, it seems that you have misunderstood something.
On the 'other forum' there was a strange situation. Several of us posted there, and one of their regulars, it seemd almost like an abandoned forum. There was no sign of forum admin or moderators, so someone asked the obvious question, who was running the site and who moderating it.
That wasn't, as your non-mocking post (sic) suggested, someone 'complaining' about the lack of moderation. That was an interpretation you placed on it for your own ends, presumably to continue to belittle and demean.

As for being a forum member first and then a moderator, well there are things that a moderator can do that I can't, so I have to be very careful what I post to you, as you have made clear in PMs.

Did I misunderstand a person complaining in a thread where they asked for a second time about moderators etc that somebody had placed personal details on the forum for over 6 hours and nobody had deleted them? That was not a complaint then? The problem is Dick is you are trying to escape the truth because that forum is now closed and you know others can't go and see the truth. Also it is highly likely that if it does reopen everything will have been deleted. Fortunatly others have seen the posts and I don't just mean Beryl. Talk about self awareness (you chose to mention PM's not me) don't you see your comments to her as being rather rude? Probably not.

You are right you can't discuss those things here but you can go somewhere else and discuss them if you wish or you can do so via emails to each other.

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Quillan, I am the person you are referring to as complaining about lack of moderation on the other forum.  However in an earlier post you said that this same person complains about moderation on THIS forum. 

Could you please tell me when I have EVER complained about moderation on THIS forum please?

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Thanks Gay.  I thought you had to be rich and goodlooking to have a stalker.  When I read the posts I really thought I had gone bonkers.

Speaking of which, Quillan referred to the person complaining stating that they had asked TWICE who the mods were.  That was ME. 

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Some of this thread is becoming very confusing, with this person said that and that person this.  Would it not be clearer if people actually said who they are talking about, this way a lot of confusion would be avoided, for me at least.  I find it very irratating when folk can't just come out and say what they mean and to whom.  A lot of time would be saved and we could get back to relaxing in the 'lounge'.


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[quote user="The Real Katie"]

Thanks Gay.  I thought you had to be rich and goodlooking to have a stalker.  When I read the posts I really thought I had gone bonkers.

Speaking of which, Quillan referred to the person complaining stating that they had asked TWICE who the mods were.  That was ME. 


I was referring to others, not yourself. I was very careful not to point or name people.

Thanks for coming forward anyway. Was it yourself who complained (in amongst the second post complaining you had yet to receive answers from your first) about personal details being left on that forum for around 6 hours and had not been deleted by a moderator or forum admin?


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Sorry Dotty, there is a very confusing pow wow going on about the forum next door and Quillan has mistaken somebody (but I don't know who) on that forum for saying something which I had actually said. (I think). 

Oh I'm all confused now.

And as for Dick and Beryl, only God knows what they're on about.

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Yes Quillan, that was me.  After an hour, my complaint was still not responded to, I then made a comment that LF would have been there more swiftly with an answer. REMEMBER?[8-)]

It is human nature I think to dislike authority (well it's my nature anyway) Police, Teachers, Mods, Parents etc but I realise they have got to be there like it or not.  Which was the point I tried to make next door.  I just found it a little eerie that nobody was about and there was only one establish member posting with 'us lot'

I came forward because I know that although (like everybody else) I sometimes  don't agree with mods decisions I have never complained about the mods on this forum.

You was confused and, as said in the Life of Brian "oooooo he's making it up as he goes along"

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