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Welcome Back party in the Lounge


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Hi Ali,

The imposter is one of my very best friends who goes to work dressed like this and my husband.  They were downstairs on Hubbys laptop and I was upstairs on the computer.  Apparantly they were keeled over laughing at my response and I was running in and out of the kitchen to tell them all about it and getting all irate because I thought it was one of the guys at work.

Hubby spilt the beans yesterday.

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Sounds like an old Joe Cocker number, Colin.

Thanks (to one and all)

I am getting over the journey, I'm aching all over,  the Camels got the bang h*** (couldn't

bring meself to tell the oldest joke known to man !!) cause there's no

grub left. He's spitting mad, so I am keeping keep out of his way for while.

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Jeez mate, I'm glad you're back!

I have been on a silent hunger strike ever since you was exiled from dear old Athens.   A daily diet of 7 empty All Bran boxes just to stay alive, because I did so want to see your homecoming.

I've also added a blob of resin to the dog to mark each day of your absence.   He's been stuck to the wall for a few days, but I can cut him off now.

Welcome back, old bean!  [:)]




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Thanks me old fruit !

Gee essbbee, you sorta started off all ozzie like there, eh mate ?

Jeepers you must be pretty regular by now?  I would have killed

for just a sniff of  All Bran or even the lowly Prune on my

travels, constipation is the curse of the walking class.

Please free the mutt, I know how he feels and no person should be resined to such a fate.

What's new in town these days?


Free the mutt 1




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[quote user="Dotty Trois"][quote user="KatieKopyKat"]

Welcome back Miki.  Let four days of festivities begin.




That girl is making me giddy


No ! it's you who's had too much to drink and you think she is going round and round...

She's perfectly still ! promise and you're going round and round!!!!!!!

PS EDIT : Well the picture did not work so you have to plough and focus through all the gobbledeegook...

It's a kind a barometer for your drinking... If you can read it then you are still stone cold sober and should get going or the party will run dry before you have even started! and that's not on....

roll up the barrels, Mikki is back from exile, roll up the barrels, and we shall all go wild....

Now .... where is my whisky!.....
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I saw them doing that dance at Xmas on the way back to Saint Malo on the Bretagne

Force 10 it were, they're smiling there but you should have seen them ground baiting outside 10 minutes later [:D]

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>>>Your training with MI5 comes in handy for typing I see<<<

Yeah! Amazing what they teach you there under the influence....

Vee hav vayze to meck you spick....

Oh Drat! the bottle is empty and the off licence is 3 miles away!...
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