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I don't know whether I'm going to be able to get through the next 6 wks or so. Firstly, all the World Cup bollox, overlaid with more than a passing smidge of:

  • "Come on Tim" at you-know-where
  • "Come on Andy" at you-know-where
  • Everything is "Tough" at you-know-where

At least Schumacher got his just deserts yesterday - they should have had the guts to ban him for the rest of the season.

Grump over.

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Well! I can tell you all that the office is READY!! for the World Cup!!

The wall charts are up, the StGeorge flags are flying, the bets/sweepstakes are settled (I've got Saudi Arabia - not a chance here... and Portugal - a tad better....), the blokes find more fag breaks opportunities than before to discuss tactics and chances.

The girls are moaning that some of the games will be broadcasted at the same time as 'BigBrother' and that they won't see their OH for a month unless they also decamp to the pub...

Remarkably this next month has more holidays and occasional days off booked/recorded than at any other time!...

When you consider that this happens in Wales!! I have never seen Wales SO ready to support England!... Ever!

When the Rugby '6 Nations' is on with France and England battling it out, the whole of Wales is behind France!!...


Bring on the RUGBY WORLD CUP 2007!!! I will be there (if not in France, certainly in spirit!!) Flying my French flag and shouting 'Allez les bleus!! Allez les bleus!!
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[quote user="missyesbut"]

When the Rugby '6 Nations' is on with France and England battling it out, the whole of Wales is behind France!!...


Bring on the RUGBY WORLD CUP 2007!!! I will be there (if not in France, certainly in spirit!!) Flying my French flag and shouting 'Allez les bleus!! Allez les bleus!![/quote]

To Admin:

Please remove the above poster from the forum forthwith - I have never seen such offensive behaviour as this.  And while you're on, please ban anyone else who doesn't support England in rugby.


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OK missyesbut, now stand there with hand on heart and swear that José

Mourinho is not worth a second look. The  looks of that England

front row, make the old and infamous Pontypool front row look like

Hollywood glamour  pusses !!

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We have the Free internet package.  Does anybody know which channels will be broadcasting the matches?

Thank God for Sky.  It's the only way to avoid the footie channels !  Quite like the rugby though - wonderful views when those beefy boys get down and scrum - I go all hot and goose-pimply [:$]

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>>>...OK missyesbut, now stand there with hand on heart and swear that José Mourinho is not worth a second look. The  looks of that England front row, make the old and infamous Pontypool front row look like Hollywood glamour  pusses !!..<<<


Mikki! you are 10 times a better looker than Mourinho!...

and after you... I go for David Ginola  (sorry not Chelsea is he...  ooolala... you can see the lass knows nowt in footie!)

Nothing wrong with Ibanez, Pelousse, Michelak, Yashvili and the rest of the XV de France!... and Billy Beaumont, my english heart-throb![:$] Dawson nice lad but sans plus... Wilkinson over-rated...

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[quote]"Mikki! you are 10 times a better looker than Mourinho!...[/quote]

Blige me missyesbut, you're the gal pour moi !! ...............................And then I read this bit

[quote].......... and Billy Beaumont, my english heart-throb! [/quote]

And realised you may have a visual discrepancy, still it was nice while it lasted [:D]

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