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Getting euro cash from french account while in UK?


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I wouldn't think there is a way. You wouldn't be able to take pounds out of a UK bank account in France. You would only be able to take money in euros. So I would assume if you are in the UK you could use your french bank card to take money out of your french bank account but you would only be able to get pounds. You could of course then exchange those for euros at a bank but I would think it would cost you a bit altogether as you would have 2 costs.

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If you have a UK bank account do a Currencyfair (or another company) transfer to it, if not transfer it to a family member.




Can one do a Sepa transfer in euros to a UK bank? If so then its less setting up for a one of transfer.


Forget the above, its rubbish and answers a question that you didnt ask!

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Silly question, but why do you want €'s in the UK???? Was there a reason why you didn't take them with you?

Sometimes friends or family have spare €'s from holidays, could you ask anyone you know and then give them £'s for them at an exchange rate that is advantageous to you both.

The only thing is to bite the bullet and get £'s and change them at the Post Office or M&S into €'s.

I have just realised that I have never needed french / € currency in the UK. When we lived in France, my only requirement was having sufficient £'s  in my purse for when we got back to England. Now when I go to France I need to have sufficient €'s for at least a day or two.

I reckon the only place I have ever seen alternative currency being dispensed

from a cash machine was in Geneva Airport, where I noticed that I could draw

€'s, I was in the swiss area of the airport, (never been into the

french bit) but have no idea if they charged for this service, and I

imagine that they did.

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"When we lived in France, my only requirement was having sufficient £'s in my purse for when we got back to England. "

I remember many years ago having to rush back to the UK unexpectedly for a family emergency, I was in a bit of a state and not thinking clearly, and I found myself at the Dartford crossing with no English money (I shouldn't even have been going that way round the M25). I can't remember the details but I do remember how unsympathetic they were. Either they didn't take cards or cheques at all or they wouldn't take mine for some reason, and they acted like I was trying it on to get out of paying the measly 1.50 or whatever it was. What with everything, plus the embarrassment of holding up the queue for ages, I ended up in tears. So yes it's always best to keep something in your purse!
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Yes, I once arrived at the services on the M20, already with £s, but which were in the briefcase in the car, and not in my handbag.  Happily in this instance, I could pay by cc.  Always (now) keep a 5€ in UK purse and vv.  Will buy a coffee (just) or a toll fee at least!

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There is also a Euro ATM at the ferry terminal in Portsmouth. If you are using a French bank card then there would be no exchange rate costs but there might be a charge by your bank for using the machine.

I would think it likely that there are Euro ATMs at othe ferry ports and airports
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The airport terminal machines aren't operated by a bank, but by Moneycorp the foreign exchange supplier. I suspect that they will ask how many pounds you wish to convert and then give you Euros at their own depressed rate.

So if you are able to use a French card I fear that you would pay double commission, as you would have to pay in sterling, and then convert your debit to Euros.

Actually just found this on MSE which confirms my thoughts

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