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The Magic Faraway Tree - PC version.


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 I read in yesterday's Sunday Times that some of Enid Blytons

books are being re-published, among them the Magic Faraway Tree series.

I remember reading these books to my children and they loved them, What

I didn't remember was that the names of two of the characters were D**k

and F***y. I can't believe I so innocently read out these names without

a blush. They are now changing the names to Rick and Franny. I wonder

if this post will get past the censor. Any other ridiculous PC stories?


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This was one of my favorite books as a child, in fact i still have it on the shelf behind me plus the next one the folk of the farawy tree just as good.

I have read an awlful lot of E Blyton books as a child and have reread a few over the past few years and in a number of her books she says things which are a little risk-kay it makes you wonder what the lady herself was like ......................[;-)]

and what did she mean by google buns and pop biscuits.......? I think she may of ate a fair few herself.

being P.C drives me nuts ........the children in our local infants are not allowed to sing baa baa black sheep any more its now pink sheep COME ON arrrrrrh . I think its about time this country got a grip and called a spade a spade because that is what it is . 

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I loved this book too, still have a very old copy somewhere packed away. You really could lose yourself in those magic lands especially the sweet one. The world has gone b****y daft changing names. My son has two Fannys for friends at school as it is a real french name, imagine saying that in a UK classroom when reading out loud.
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