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Complete France Forum

Friday euphorics

Chris Head

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I'd said in another thread that years ago on Talk Radio (I think) one of the presenters used to end his show on a Friday evening with an hour of an event or happening that had cheered people up, presumably to counter the preceding week of doom and gloom in the UK.

I know it's only thursday (I think) but I'll start.

Wednesday morning, sitting outside at 6am with coffee enjoying the sights and sounds of the waking natural world, excited by the day ahead and being thankful for life.


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Any morning here in France watching the travel news on BBC 1, especially the M25 because we travelled on it every day. Sitting now in the silent evening listening to the birdsong through the open windows and occasionally having a house martin fly in through the open window to hang for a while in the room before exiting through the opposite window, yes Chris it certainly does it for me, far from the madding crowd[:)]

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We have had a beautiful June.  Finishing work on Friday meeting hubby for a swifty, going up our mates house (the Benidorm Bashers).  Being fed lots of chilled white and swapping stories of how we have been uncool silly billies during the week and having a giraffe over it.  I normally win that one.

Last week the story was, I pulled off the M4 into the services with a flat tyre.  I did the lost useless woman thing (as you do) and this guy came over to offer help.  Oh thank you I said.  He was all suited up and looking smart and apparently he was a plain clothed you know what.  It was a boiling hot afternoon and changing the tyre made him all sweaty.  In fact he looked as if he had been for a dip.  His hands were black and his hair got all ruffled.

Is the hand break up? he asked.  Yes I said, with that the car rolled off the jack.  If looks could kill.  Well I acted as sweetly as I could[+o(] and the wheel was changed.  When he was lowering the jack I remembered that one was flat too but I prayed for a miracle.  I didnt come.  The tyre touched the ground and every hoist of the jack the wheel got flatter and flatter.  He did not say a word.  He just looked at me, I gave him a pathetic smile and he walked away shaking his head.  Ouch!

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sitting in my garden this morning watching the sun rise behind a thin mist, cat on my lap dog at my feet mug of coffee in hand, and dreaming about my new house in france and going out there in august to pick up my keys and meet the best husband in the world, whom i havnt seen for 2months as he is away working , and the month we are going to have exploring our new house/village and area, and the good wine we will drink ooohhhhh i could go on and on but you would only get bored.........................[:)]
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[quote user="KatieKopyKat"]

Last week the story was, I pulled off the M4 into the services with a flat tyre.  I did the lost useless woman thing (as you do) and this guy came over to offer help.  Oh thank you I said.  He was all suited up and looking smart and apparently he was a plain clothed you know what.  It was a boiling hot afternoon and changing the tyre made him all sweaty.  In fact he looked as if he had been for a dip.  His hands were black and his hair got all ruffled.

Is the hand break up? he asked.  Yes I said, with that the car rolled off the jack.  If looks could kill.  Well I acted as sweetly as I could[+o(] and the wheel was changed.  When he was lowering the jack I remembered that one was flat too but I prayed for a miracle.  I didnt come.  The tyre touched the ground and every hoist of the jack the wheel got flatter and flatter.  He did not say a word.  He just looked at me, I gave him a pathetic smile and he walked away shaking his head.  Ouch!


And I'll bet you think that train spotters are iffy.

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