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BBC ............... government lackeys ?


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UK government, the BBC and propaganda .......

I've just returned from UK and current events have reinforced my view of the BBC as a government propaganda tool.

Pre 1990, when I was resident in UK, I believed the official line that the BBC was independent. Over the years that view has been severely weakened. Am I more questioning (or more cynical) or has the BBC become less independent ?

We have seen some previous evidence in connection with the IRAQ "proven weapons of mass destruction" coverage and subsequent suicide.

This week BBC showed a documentary programme about nuclear radiation. It started with clips from the early 20th century carrying the message that radiation is good for you. Then it discussed Hiroshima, Three Mile Island and Chernobyl as sources of data about cancer & death rates following exposure to radiation. (Strangely no mention of UK's own Chernobyl at Windscale in the 50's. This was kept secret at the time).
A chart showing extrapolation of very low risks at low levels of radiation was shown about a dozen times. One scientist even suggested that very low levels of radiation were beneficial, but backed off on the grounds that that hypotheses would gain little support from other experts in the field.
The over riding message was "Nuclear power stations are safe, and even if they have accidents there is little to worry about".

Strange that this should appear in the week that Bliar & Co propose expanding nuclear power generation ?

And surely no accident this week that The Times carried a full page ad from the labour party with 20 odd benefactors who are proud to support labour financially. Interestingly, it was not signed by anyone with a peerage, and appeared on the day Lord Levy was questioned by police ?

Is this some sort of banana republique ?

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Nick Robinson biased in favour and a propaganda tool of the

government....somehow, I think not !! In my experience, successive

governements often complain about the dear old Beeb and their

opposition slant.

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