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One for Dick


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I've been watching it too, magic. It's been far too long since I went.

Land of Hope and Glory.

Yes, I think we have been, and I think we are, in many ways. 

I am free, freer than in any nation I can think of. Compared to most of the world I am fairly and honestly governed, and policed (generally) with my consent. I am a participating member in a mature and genuine democracy in realistic terms. I am even free to criticise the state in my teaching. My rulers may be incompetent from time to time but they are benign.

Are there flaws - yes, many, and some grievous. There are many inequalities and injustices still to be challenged and defeated, the class system still weighs upon the children of the cities and the rural wastelands, we are hesitant and uncertain when faced with the challenges of terrorism, climate change and globalisation and we make mistakes.

I've been attacked (again) today for being a teacher - what is that all about? But as a history teacher I have a pretty fair understanding of our society as it was, of the dictatorships of both left and right, and in some modern countries their current arrangements. And we, although not perfect, are a lot better than that.

And we have The Proms - 112 seasons now - which is unique and an ornament to the nation. And of course a TV/Radio service that organises and broadcasts them all...

I'm sure others will disagree. But Jerusalem has just started!

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Dick, I agree with you. Although I don't normally watch the last night of the proms, a bit too formulaic for my taste and a caricature of itself. I too strongly believe that there are far more things to be proud of in being British than not to be proud of. I know that's a deeply unfashionable and not at all PC thing to say, particularly on a forum where we are supposed to love France and all things French. In fact the one part of the French character which many more British would do well to emulate is the sense of national pride.
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Absolutely agree with both of you but I can take or leave the

Proms these days. Two of our boys were in Singleton Park again

tonight. And two friends of ours from Lyon and the other in Liège

absolutely adore it. The chap from Belgium even sheds tears every year,

big wuss !!

As if to prove a point, I watched the last classic of the season on

good old UK TV, saw the horse I backed over a month ago win with a

double handful a good 3 furlongs out, and so my hope proved right and the glory was

seeing my account swell sufficiently to pay for the ferry to the UK for

a short break in Ocober, unless Madam wants a tour of the hotspots

of Rennes. The new(ish) shopping centres kind of grab her fancy when she hears

me shouting "Go on my son" (must learn to muffle my yelps of glee, which I hasten to add, are not that common but most welcome !)

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I watch it too! Moi!

I had the interactive digital service on, with all 5 venues on the screen and kept flicking in and out of each.

Of course I watch the proceeding from Swansea the most and there is nothing else to warm your heart than the Welsh singing 'Land of my Fathers' or 'CumRhondda' (Bread of Heaven to you Sassenacks!)

and I was thouroughly carried away too singing Jerusalem!

MOI! une Française !!

Learnt the words back in the 70's by listening to Emerson, Lake & Palmer's album 'Brain Salad Surgery' C'est la vie! do you know.... I'll have to dust off the tape somewhere in the cupboard!....

Otherwise from the Albert Hall broadcasting, I found it odd that someone in the very front of the standing crowd was waving a huge flag of the Vatican, a Japanese girl was waving her country's flag (she was in the choir behind the musicians) Did notice a timid French flag and a Dutch one....

Good on them that they waved their nations flags but 'The Last Night of the Proms' is SO BRITISHLY patriotic!!

It looked somewhat incongruous... and I think they were more carried away by the atmosphere than actually the meanings of it (beyond the music) in this day and age of fervent patriotism coming from some corners of the world....
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>>> ..... Jerusalem!

MOI! une Française !!

Learnt the words back in the 70's by listening to Emerson, Lake & Palmer's album 'Brain Salad Surgery' ...... <<<

No, not 'Brain Salad Surgery' but their album 'ELP' or is it?.....

Brain is a salad these days and in serious need of surgery anyhow!..

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