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Chris Heads Visit To The Bakery


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No it's not the most exciting thing I've done today!

In short...I'm on a mission.

I've decided that the French are bogged down by too much formalitity which makes casual meetings between folk who have been having casual meetings for some time somewhat dull....if you follow me? And their language is also too complicated.

I have therefore annulled the 'vous' form of the language, everyone is 'tu tois' to me now, 'tu' is easier to conjugate and it also cuts through barriers, it works wonders coupled with good eye contact when talking to fonctionnaires as well.

The 'chou chou' just cracks 'em up, it's like saying 'darling'. So far I'm on chou choute (for the females) terms with about 8 women here but my chou choute network is expanding all the time! This morning I pointed out to the girl in the garage that nowhere on my birth certificate is 'vous' mentioned, my name is Chris, or KERRRISSS as they pronounce it.

I will win!

A chou chou a day keeps the grumps away!


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A saddo? Wot me? Gawd life is too fast and furious here to be sad. The only thing that makes me sad is when I'm carving in public and have got a ton of sawdust around me nuts that I can't very well extract in public, the eyes are watering as I speak!

So what have quinces got to do with sadness?

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Before I talk about quinces, I am thinking that you could become casanova of the Creuse, I know you only have eight woman to date, he had 122, so you have some way to go, but can you imagine the scandulous talk amongst the locals,with you making yourself so familiar amongst the local talent.I would carry your chainsaw with you, just incase you need it to protect yourself.On the subject of quinces, I thought of you on Sunday when I was trying to cut them up on Sunday, they are horendous, like lumps of rock,  I needed a chainsaw ,but they smell wonderful when they are cooking and great with roast pork,I know you like pork, you  post pictures of dead pigs on serious threads.Do they have quince trees in France?
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