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hello from egger


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hi everyone,

well i made it here, cried for 2 days before i got here[:'(], but now love it[:D].

The place is ace, and the people who run the place are ace, had one or two drunken nights with them[+o(].

Been to Josslin, very nice, but parked on in the space with blue lines, i think that means for 2 hours but then found out it was for people with a card or something, oh well no one said anything. Sat in the cafe with my coffee, watching the world go by, but not understaning a word of what was going on [:D].

Went to the bakers and tried my limited french, must have got it right, well the women kept saying wee wee so i must have [:D].

Oh well must go on someone elses computer, but will try to keep in touch xxx

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[quote user="egger"]

but parked on in the space with blue lines, i think that means for 2 hours but then found out it was for people with a card or something, oh well no one said anything.


You can buy the card from a tabac/presse or even the boulangers. The one my OH bought was a couple of euro. They are like a disabled card in that they don't expire - you just have to display it when you're parking.

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That's the ticket egger.  I never spotted you in Josselin!  Where you in the square?  It is a bit empty of people at the moment.  End of the season.

There is a season for the blue spaces here in Josselin but I don't know when it finishes.  Possibly the end of August....  It will start again around May/June.  It is in the Flash but I never need to know the dates so I don't take a lot of notice, which isn't a lot of help.

The tabac in the square sell the permits.  You might need one for Plöermel to park near the Mairie but otherwise I can't think of anywhere local to you. 

Welcome to France!

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oh mates i loving it here[:D], my French has not got any better[:(], but going to have lessons from Julie(the person we renting off). Went to a pub on Sunday, they where mostly English, we had a game of knock out pool, and i won [:D].

The really funny thing is i didnt want to come, and yet i settled in, but my hubby is not so sure now, ha ha wetting myself laughing.

We was really lucky renting where we did, Julie and I get on really well, when we meet people they think we have known each other for ages, (see told you i was a nice person) ha ha.

Still early days yet, if any of you want to meet for a coffee in Josslin, would love to.

ho i just thought my private email changed, how do i change that on here?

Ho and we had sky put in to day, not as i have time to watch it, we allways sitting outside with the neighbours drinking coffee, oh the French live is so stressfull.

Speak with you soon xxxxx

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well im still here and loving it, been having a look at some houses, but will wait abit yet.

Never been out so much in my life, 4 oclock we got in the other morning, then went out till 2 the next night, very tired.

Some of my family coming over 1 next monday, then my aunt at the end of Oct, and then son after that, be glad of the peace when they all gone.

speak with you soon xxx

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Well went into the post office today, spoke my best French[:D], (was thinking how good i was), asked for 6 stamps, (asked Julie who rents to us what to say before i went), and the women replyed in English[blink]. Then went on, to tell me what to get, in perfect English. Oh well, the next one i go in might not speak English so will keep trying.
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God thats better, can see the words now. The settings where set to the smallest, and i didnt know how to change them, but spotted veiw and went in there and low and behold can see what im writing now [:D].

Oh and just changed my email address to the new one (getting good now[geek]) will have to have a rest after all this work, not used to it.

My hubbys oldest son coming tomorrow. Am wondering if im going to get all upset again when they leave [:'(].

Been looking at a couple of houses, nearly fainted when you go inside, they like stepping back 20 years, but still beautifull, if you get what i mean [8-)].

Hope your all having as much fun as i am, well except when we first went supermarket, we didnt know you have to weigh all the veg[:$], he he caused a queue, still we know now.

speak with you soon xxxx

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Hi Egger,

Glad to hear you're having fun, don't worry about forgetting to weigh the veg, we've all done it at some time. Some still do[:$] well, the amount of times we've found something hidden at the bottom of the trolley!

Just think what a dab hand you'll be with a paintbrush, once you've got your place & decorated it. You'll be able to branch out & away from hairdressing!![;-)]

Hope you've had a great time with your step son & you're not too upset when he goes back. It's not nice when rellies go home, but it does get easier.


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Sad about them going, i think not.

They where a nightmare[:@].

They didnt like our friends[8-)], they didnt like Josslin[8-)], infact they didnt like anything.

The only place they wanted to go was Paris, and when i said i didnt, i think they sulked, god dont you just love family [+o(].

Any way on a lighter note, guess what,

we buying a house, sign for it on Tues[:D]. Bet you lot think im wind you up, but i not, its true.

I have never loved anywhere so much, the pace of life, the roads, the people[:D].

Anyone out there thinking of coming over, take it from me, just do it.

Speak with you soon xxx


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we didnt sign [:'(], lets just say someone (well alot of people)[Www], said it had beetle, all in the loft.

Was very upset at the time, but thats life.

We found another place[:D], we just put an offer in, so fingers crossed.

Still loving it here.

Speak with you soon


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[quote user="egger"]

we didnt sign [:'(], lets just say someone (well alot of people)[Www], said it had beetle, all in the loft.

Was very upset at the time, but thats life.

We found another place[:D], we just put an offer in, so fingers crossed.

Still loving it here.

Speak with you soon



Sorry to hear that Egger, good reason to drop it. You sound positive though. Good luck with this next one & I hope you like it as much.

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What a disappointment for you.  Many years ago when I bought my first house, the Notaire just told me that beetle was 'rien'.  It could be treated.  Which it was and it is still standing!

Wonderfull weather we are having at the moment.  Just right for house hunting.  Next time you come to Josselin, let me know and I will hide....no!  Meet you for a coffee I meant.[:D]

If you want.  Market?

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don't worry about forgetting to weigh the veg, we've all done it at some time. Some still doBlush [:$] well, the amount of times we've found something hidden at the bottom of the trolley!  says Jay Jay

I always seem to get things back to front then !  The time before last I went to buy veg in the supermarket I went to the check out and was pointed in the direction of the scales in the veggie department.  Last time I thought 'Ha,ha, I am now experienced in the buying veggie lark' and headed for an assistant standing behind some weighing scales in said dept. 'Non, non' she said and gestured towards the check out.  Both times my face was the colour of a beetroot [:$][:$]

Good luck Eggers on your new adventure and hope you get the house of your dreams  [:D]

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