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Complete France Forum


Dick Smith

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She rang here while I was in England.

Much as I love, admire, and respect OH, he's a bit useless at that kind of thing. So much so that he only told me about it a couple of days ago.

I'll try and track her down. As far as I know she still has no landline etc...but that was about all the info he gleaned. You'ld think after 17 years I'd have him trained up...

Ali if you spot this I miss you!


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I've just had a good chat with Ali.[:D]

They both absolutely love being here. They're both in good health which is great because that was a very strong factor in their wish to move here. They're very frustrated not to have internet access though.

They've seen about 40 houses some of which have bourne no resemblance to what the Immos have described them as.

They've fallen in love with the area around Jarnac in Charente (between Cognac and Angouleme).

I'm going to try and rootle around on the internet for them as I have a pretty full description of what they are after.

Ali sends thanks to Dick for asking after her. She really misses the forum and was asking for news of many people by name (you know who you are).[kiss]

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Hi All!!!

Managed to get onto the internet today, via our landlords, who are out today & left us the key to their house!

It's been so weird not being able to get online to chat with you all & let you know how we are getting on.  We've actually been paying for broadband service for a month & a half now - but haven't got it yet!!  Hopefully, very soon, a little man from Orange will arrive & actually connect up the right line!!

We are both really enjoying ourselves & haven't stopped charging about, since we arrived.  We're having a day off from house hunting & chilling out (& doing the washing!!).

Mark has stopped wobbling!!  He's really settled - especially since his guitars arrived - & we both feel really at home, in France.  I have actually only felt homesick once ........ the night Northern Ireland beat Spain 3-2 in the Euro qualifiers!!  We both got really nostalgic & emotional!!!

Apart from that everything is great.  Apart form, of course, losing Ben.  It's only now, 2 months later, that I'm starting to think of us as having only 2 cats.  Both of them are great & loving chasing the lizards & all the other creatures they've never seen before!!

I'll sign off for a while now - but try to get on later today & see who's online.

Luv Ali. [kiss]

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Hi Ali great to hear alls going well, hope you can get online soon to tell us about your house buying adventures, cherish every moment of it , it was the best fun i had in the whole process, poking around all those houses.

Hows the driving been going? I found it very scary but made my self do it , and by the time i came home was quite comfy with it, Im going back just for a few days in nov so will get a bit more practise in.

Hope to hear all about it soon

luv Pads[:D] 


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