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Hiya Twinks!

I seem to have missed a good offer last night! Damn! Flipping studying I was [:(] !....

So I can't ask for a free CD on account that I am not in the original 5 first posters but could I ask for a 1/2price one ?... Aren't I mean! [6] ?... C'm on between forum pals....

I LOVE jazz : Ella Fitzgerald, Billie Holiday, Sarah Vaughan, Anita Day, Chloe Lane... last August at our little Summer Festival here Julie Dankworth came to sing. Nice voice and  music overall but not a patch on her Mum's very colourful voice ...

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My CD's ARE NOT for sale.  I'm recording one to send to festivals to promote my band. 
However I thought I might create my own website complete with photos and sound extracts.  I could then put the link on here - do you think I would be allowed to that? 

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[quote user="Chris Head"]Why not Twinks? I think you should start posting your gig dates and venues as well, ......[/quote]

Yeah! We need gig dates and venues, that we can have some 'amusement' when we are next in France.... Unless you come over this way sometime.... 

Maybe the Mods would consider a forum entirely dedicated to : What's on in your region?... with postings which accept no reply... (In the same way they made a forum on 'Jobs and employment opportunities only'....)

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I am very happy!

  I have 577 hits on my threads (combined) and 67 posts in all.  Dick has 573 hits and 41 posts ....BUT.....my threads have only been on here for less than 20 hours wheareas Dicks thread exists since at least 36 hours! 

I'm losing it I think[:-))] 

You may not see me for a while.

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I've decided that it could be fun if I shared some of the things that have happened to me on my musical travels here in France.  It'll be a sort of bedtime story for you if you're interested.  I can't do it later 'cos' I'm treating myself to a night out on the town with two girlfriends.

When I first came to France in 1989,  it was to tour with a french progressive rock band as a backing vocalist.  I knew the 6 guys already as they had spent 8 months in London (where I was working at the time)  gigging a bit and writing material for a summer tour in France.  I was so excited when they asked me to join the tour and even if it was a difficult dicision,  I gave up a nice little job at TV-AM off I went.  There was a trumpet and trombone player from London coming for part of  the tour as well.  I couldn't speak any more  than quite bad school french but I was already romantically involved with the the bass player (he's now my husband) and he spoke very good english.

Get to France - everyone's so happy to see them back home in their village and the tour starts. Loads of concerts on the med coast and inland as well.  All is going well and then we go off for a whole week and will be 'on the road' so no coming back to the lovely home comforts of my adopted village.

Now - as many of you will know, when you can't speak the lingo it is very frustrating and if you're with a group of 6 french guys (the brass players have by now gone back to London) then it can be very lonely.  Anyway, I would just try and follow what as going on and more often than not  would think that I underdstood what was being said and it would turn out to be something completely different.  You do learn much quicker this way though however tiresome it can become.

We do a gig and instead of staying the night I'm told that we will be driving on to the next gig venue which is a huge camping complexe in Arcachon.  We arrive at about 4am and the boys start setting up the tents. I was thinking more  4  star hotel in the South of France scenario - but no - it wasn't like that as you will see in my other tales! 

 I'm so tired I don't even get out of the truck and just roll into my sleeping bag when my tent has been pitched.  After what seems to me about 10 minutes sleep (probably 'cos' that's all it was!)  the sun is up and beating down on the canvas - I want to cry - but do I?  No.

It's 9.30am and I can hear some very strange noises outside my tent.  I sit up - it's so  b l o o d y  hot, and I very slowly unzip the zipper......and come face to face with a laama!!!  Without knowing (it was very dark when we arrived and we were tired) the boys had set up camp in the middle of a visiting circus[:-))].  There were donkeys and goats and circus people milling around our tents going about their buisiness as if we weren't even there!

More later[;-)]


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