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Room 101 AGAIN

Just Katie

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[quote user="Chris Head"]

Tresco that's at least the third time you deleted/edited! Don't worry 'bout it! Opas, just metion to Outcast that 'we're here on the forum would you? I'm sure he'll understand!'

Cheers, Chris


Will do, perhaps he could send you an indepth email about the Titanium implant he had done a few years ago,  enough to make your  toes curl just so you are prepared for what the dentist has to offer [img]http://bestsmileys.com/scared/5.gif[/img]

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Can I have some more?  Well. I'm going to anyway:

  • Politicians who say "Well John, I'm glad you asked me that, but I think the real question is ........"
  • Chirac & his failure to instigate real change in France during his presidency
  • CPAM - a bureaucratic nightmare
  • Belgians who don't turn up at Cassis' place when booked
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  • Every dog owner in Toulouse who allows his/her dog to cr*p all over the pavement [+o(]

  • All the French men who think it's OK to p*ss wherever the hell they like.  grrrrrrrr

  • Anybody who calls me a grumpy young lass [;-)]


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[quote user="Chris Head"]

Damn Cassis you saw Streight through me (I believe Dick to have been there at the time given his appearance). I thought you were working Twinks and KKK was dancing around her handbag in some godforsaken Taffy hangout!!



Oh so that WAS you raving topless and sweaty on the stage. Nice tatoos!

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[quote user="Russethouse"]

Cyclists who cycle on the road when there is a clearly marked and empty cycle lane a foot away - why ? (and buy the way did the man cycling along a busy B road in Henley with his small child being pulled along in a mini rickshaw type thing, think he was being GREEN ? The child was nicely level with all pasing cars exhaust !!!)


That is a crime worse than speeding.  Those things should be made illegal.

Room 101 people who put kids in the back of an estate car.  I cringe when I see them happily and innocently waving to passers by not realising how stupid their parents are.

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Watery English lager

The untraceable ticking noise on my bike's gearing


Patricia Hewitt

Oh dear, that's going to come across as very superficial.  Um, chapter 87 of War and Peace.  Nothing like as good as the other chapters.


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People who feel it is quite alright to wind others up but cry foul, when the reply is not to their liking....................

Whingers, especially older ones who think all that was good was yesteryear,

so where does that leave those that are only 15, does it mean they will

never have any good days ? Stick the groaners in the room !

Brits in France who answer the phone with "Alloo" and when the caller

speaks back in France run off like a scalded cat to find a neighbour to

talk to the caller. Say "Hello" for goodness sake, who are you kidding

with that little tiny bit of French sounding "Alloo" !!

Brits who think that all Fonctionaires speak the truth and nothing but the truth, so help me Chirac !!

Sex before marriage....whoops...............where did that one come from !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Brits who continously harp on and on about politics in the UK. I was always taught.....................No vote, no comment !

Brits who change their previous life details on arrival here. We have

met 3 Lords and Ladies, two Sirs and a couple of Kings and Queens and

none ever added up in the end.


Lord Miki de Saint Malo

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[quote user="Tresco"]

1. People who invite you to their hen party/stag night, which these days turns out to mean anything from a long weekend to one week in Prague/Dublin/Berlin.

2. People who have been living together for years, get married, and still present their friends and relatives with ridiculously expensive lists of gifts.

3. People who choose to get married in some remote castle in Scotland; Anyone who has already been suckered by number 1 and 2 would not be able to afford to attend anyway, but it still gets my goat.    [/quote]

And mine!...

3 years ago went to a friend's hen night in Riga! Blokes went to Amsterdam!... Riga very nice but give me Amsterdam anyday!!! even better Paris! (which was my suggestion)

The couple had been together for at least 5 years before this hen/stag night thing!... Wedding list from John Lewis no less... what for?... I gave them some money and they could do want they want with it.... I know! no imagination on my part... The wedding was at a nice hotel in Wales, didn't complain on that as I only had 30 miles to drive and stay the night.

Latest news (about a month ago) from the 'bride'! They are divorcing!!.... ALL THAT PALAVAR ! WHAT ON EARTH FOR ?!?!?!?


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Is there still a little corner in Room 101, because I want to put :

MY Mother-in-law! She is perpetually ranting & raving, lecturing me or putting me down on ALL things French of which she knows NOTHING about!.....  In presence of friends/members of the family it is very trying. I still haven't managed, after 28+years, to have the last word on her. The woman is impossible.... She has never even so much as set her little twinkly toes on French soil.... Her 'French world' is all from rubbish, air-head, brain-dead, glossy UK publications!

She fills up Room 101 to herself!        Sorry Folks that doesn't leave much space for all the stuff you want to discard to it.....  

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We're not neighbours, are we?

I was hard at work with the jack-hammer this morning battering the last of the old cement render off the gable end.  Had to stop at 2.00pm when the sun came around the corner in case the electric cable melted...

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[quote user="KatieKopyKat"]Serve you right for marrying a Welsh bloke [:D][/quote]

KKK, I won't let him read this. He will have you hang, drawn and quartered for that.

He AIN'T Welsh! he keeps saying, but IS English! on the fact that he was born in Oxford! [Www] Oooh Sooh poowsh!

His family is a mixture of  french, english, irish, welsh... I think you Brits call it 'Heinz 57' or 'mongrel' !....  [:D] Mother (HIS) is colonial Eeendiah! days... Her family moved out there from UK sometime in the last century....

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