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what happened to Banned again


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There was very light hearted post about being banned again from another

site. The site was obviously down but a few non serious (or

should  have been !) cracks were posted and that really was about


It was as I say, very lightweight...well it was when I last saw it,

then I noticed Gay had posted but when looking,  the whole thread

had gone ?

Was it deleted and if so, are we back again to having totally

unnecessary deletions ? The very thing that in recent months, has lost

this site two or three of its best contributors..........

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I know there used to be an agreement that the other site does not discuss LF and LF does not discuss the other site. However, they dissolved that agreement when they started discussing LF (including the administrator and site owner !!). Thus, these deletions cannot be because of a this. Is somebody posting abusive things to these threads.

I have checked the forum rules and, when I last saw the thread, none were being broken. If people are to abide by the forum rules there seems to be some unwritten rules being implemented and thus, maybe it would be worthwhile publishing these so people can abide by them instead of making innocent posts (or posts that appear innocent) and then having everything deleted.

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Aha! I was just about to post asking where the thread had gone, I couldn't remeber it's title, or most of the posts, but I'd asked what the NAMES of these other forums, (Fora?) are., and then it diosappeared.

If they aren't allowed to be posted on here, could someone PM them to me please, I'd like to look on there too.........

Is this forum a bit over-moderated then? If it loses posters, it might be so, but I've not noticed anything obvious, so far, (a week!).


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I don't remember there being any slagging off on any of the topics referring to other forums that have been removed over the past year or so. In fact many of the comments were positive, about the different approaches of the different sites, or friendly banter which surely should be encouraged. I don't belive that Archant can be scared of competition, it has the number one forum about France after all, and there is no reason why it shoud not stay that way. Please don't let this site develop into another A****I*** where any reference to the site admins or other forums, or constructive comment about the site itself, gets removed.

As I think I started the last two topics to have been removed, I am rather surprised not to have received any notification that the posts have been deleted, as we always used to do automatically when I was on the admin team here.


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I posted to the thread to let you all know what I was doing - there is no 'used to be an agreement' . Every time a post about them is posted here we get a complaint, Trevor has on occasion phoned Admin to complain.

As far as they and Admin are concerned there still IS an agreement. Please, please don't post about them again

If you have something to say about them  please either PM or email each other privately or email Trevor.

I'm sorry but I really can not make it any clearer.

If you have something to say about the rights and wrongs ofthe agreement, please contact admin DO NOT discuss it here!

PS Will, As I posted to the thread everyone who has the option ticked should get notification of my action and why it was taken, automatically.

We have different relationships with different forum and  are obliged to act accordingly.

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Ah but Trevor has admitted that he (and Mel)  got it all

completely wrong. I now have no doubt, that he would have included in

that, his getting it badly wrong when he complained to Admin here.

Without this forum mentioning him just 48 hours ago or so, he would now

not have had a post for yonks, so if he complains now, it would be a

little hypocrotical would it not...what happened to any publicity is

good publicity ? I'm a betting man, I try to work the odds and I know

for sure, that the odds on Trevor not complaining the other day to Admin

here, were 100 to 1 on.  He admitting to being wrong and wanted to

welcome people back, banned or not previously. So it

begs the question as to the fact, that he wants publicity for his site

but not anything too untoward.........clever eh !! But at the same time

Trev (if you are reading this) people are not stupid. Show some

strength and call of this ridiculous state of affairs and who knows,

people  may believe your words and post again but childish

agreements are certainly not going to be in yours, or LF's favour.

So let's contact Trevor and see what he says now, my bet is that it

would now be competely OK to mention his forum but naturally not to

call him and his site obscene names. Other than that, it is awfully

childish to have some agreement not to even mention another

forum...that would be totally ridiculous or has LF dropped  into

acting so totally  ridiculous, or can it at least be grown up

enough to allow other Forums to be mentioned if nothing obscene or

nasty is mentioned?

I think that if one looks back soem while back, to the TF and LF

affair, it had peaks and troughs and now it has settled down to the

fact many folks do post on both sites, with an occaional rare poster

having a dig at the other. That's the way it should be and Trevs site

should be in that mould. No talking or publicity about other Forums ? Sorry but that being the way, the odds

are on no site Trev, old chap [;-)]

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Thanks Jon

Deimos, it is not a case of breaking the Code of Conduct, LF have an agreement with the forum in question not to discuss each other.

Miki, I can understand why you thought that, but you are wrong, we were reminded of the agreement at the time of the this weeks other post on this subject.

If any of you have other comments they should be addressed directly to Trevor or LF admin, not posted here.

I'm am going to lock this but leave it for the time being so that anyone wondering what has happened will get an explanation.

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