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Complete France Forum

Time to Dig Up the Flower Beds?

The Riff-Raff Element

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I recieved an email from a site I subsribe to (I'll talk to anyone, me)

informing me that the World grain crop for 2006 was now in and counted

and that the total "in the bin" was 1967 million tonnes, which is an

awful lot of bread rolls in anybody's language. HOWEVER demand is

prdicted at 2040 million tonnes, a shortfall of 73 million tonnes.

Of course, this is all the fault of the Americans*, and not just because of their extrordinary eating habits. I quote verbatim:


It would appear that not only are the US going to try to kill us all

with green house gases, but they are going to attempt to stave us into

submission first.

Now, although a shortfall of 73 million tonnes sounds bad, appearantly

famine is not just yet around the corner. What it does mean is the the

"carry over" stocks from one year to the next will drop to 57 days, the

lowest seen for 34 years. It would seem that the last time this

happened, the price of grain doubled. Coming on top of current high

prices for energy, this could make the immediate future look Far From


I seem to recall in 1973 that my parents went mad one day and turned

our garden into a small holding as a hedge against the imminant

collapse of civilisation as we know it. We got very bored of eating

broccoli. However, since potatoes can yield 20 tonnes and acre against

wheat at about three tonnes, should we all be ploughing up the lawn?

Anyone got any further tips for surviving the oncoming storm?

* It's a US based organisation, so I suppose that they are allowed to slag off as much as they want...

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You get Earth Policy News as well, John?  It's no joke, and this is where the whole bio fuel theory falls apart, great idea if you don't mind the price of food being directly linked to fuel demand, a case of where a grower can get the best price.

Land prices in France start to look a bit on the cheap side.


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[quote user="chris pp"]

You get Earth Policy News as well,

John?  It's no joke, and this is where the whole bio fuel theory

falls apart, great idea if you don't mind the price of food being

directly linked to fuel demand, a case of where a grower can get the

best price.

Land prices in France start to look a bit on the cheap side.



Indeed I do. And very interesting it is too. The biofuels thing just

looks less and less like a real alternative, I believe, but I don't

suppose for one moment it won't be milked to death first. Incidently, a

book that might be right up your street (if you've not already read

it): "We Want Real Food" by Graham Harvey - ISBN 10 1 84529 267 7. One

hundred and one reasons for growing your own veg, and the bits about

industrial-scale organic farming are most revealing!

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