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Negative Thread Drift

Dick Smith

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I'l just throw the dice ...


Toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc.

Community Chest.  Let's see.

"Congestion Charge.  You own a 4x4.  Go straight to jail."


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I've a spare get out of jail free card Cassis, you can have it.  I was saving it for Mr Maxwell, and then for Mr Chirac, but I doubt that either of them will ever get to need it.


Oooh, I say... one...


How extraordinary, Les Invalides!




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[quote user="Cat"]

I've a spare get out of jail free card Cassis, you can have it.  I was saving it for Mr Maxwell, and then for Mr Chirac, but I doubt that either of them will ever get to need it.


Oooh, I say... one...


How extraordinary, Les Invalides!


Croissant d'Aubeville!

I win!

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[quote user="Dick Smith"]There have been a few occasions recently where (new) posters have started new threads on old topics rather than post a supplementary question in an existing thread. What's that all about? Is it this 'fear of hijacking' that some posters seem to feel - that somehow the OP has a proprietary right to the thread, or what? Whatever the reason the end result is a proliferation of threads discussing the same subject which just makes life very complicated for anyone looking for advice. Has anyone else noticed this?

"Fear of hijacking" - that's a laugh! There was an interesting thread running on Bread Makers which suddenly descended into gibberish and has now fizzled out.

Talk about the kettle calling the pot black!

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I was getting round to the pot, and pondering different methods of measuring the blackness. Of course, a blackened 12v kettle would mean that either

a) it had been plugged into the mains, or

b) some bimbo had put it on the hob, or

c) a passing Goth had painted it black.

Which is the most likely, do you think?

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No idea to be honest, I don't do much cooking and our kettle is chrome but I think the pot rather likes the kettle in our house but one can never be sure of these things.

I would rule out the goth though but put the bombo in the frame.

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".....the end result is a proliferation of threads discussing the same subject which just makes life very complicated for anyone looking for advice".

May I suggest Dick, that you go back to page 4 of the 'Bread Maker' thread. If ever there is a case of life being "very complicated for anyone looking for advice", then surely this page highlights it.

Bread Makers may be one of those reappearing "threads discussing the same subject" - until that to gets hijacked by inappropriate contributions.  

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