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Complete France Forum

Disappearing Thread


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OK - an explanation, although please remember that discussing the running of the forum on the board is against the Code of Conduct so I am going to post this and lock the thread. Feel free to PM or email me to discuss it further.

Firstly, for those of you that have email notifications of posts to threads you have contributed to, enabled in your profile, I posted to the thread to say why I was pulling it so you all should have an explanation already.

The thread started well and as far as was concerned was about a valid topic; racism. However mid evening it became something of a squabble between a few posters with different views on another topic and was really far too personal. I posted twice to the thread and it did look as if it had settled down for a while, but then it started up again.

Dick is quite correct, I did not fancy watching the board all night and in light of my previous actions not being effective I deleted the thread. (it was well past midnight at this point) The way this software works is that it is very quick to delete a whole thread (it just gets moved to a deleted section) but it is painfully slow to remove individual posts, esp when there is more than one. Experience has also taught me that 'editing' a thread causes more problems, some posts no longer make sense as they address points no longer present and some users start arguing about which posts have gone and which have stayed. On a human level, like most of you I enjoy a glass of wine on a Saturday evening and to start editing you really have to be thinking very clearly.

I'm sorry  I had to take the action,  I don't like deleting threads however however I think it was for the best in the circumstances.

FWIW I'm going to try and post the Forum Code of Conduct as a sticky in the Lounge and Post Bag, I sometimes wonder if some of you have ever read it ![:)]


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