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If you support a football team, which one and why?


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Hi all,

     have just been reading another thread in which David J was saying how unhappy he was that Arsenal had been beaten by Spurs, now why when you come from N.Yorks would you support Arsenal? Not a dig at Dave J by the way! I lived in South East london for most of my life and although I don't think of myself as a 'supporter' I do follow the triumphs and disasters of 'Charlto Apathetic' only because they were my local team. When I lived in Manchester for a while I watched Man U at Old Trafford and was called a 'Cockney' red, much to my inner amusement. My question to all is, if you support football why don't you support your 'home' team?

best regards


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Born in West London and none too far from the Bridge, a few of our family were associated with CFC, natural then to support the blues. Still do and although a little too young to recollect too much about the 1955 team that won the then First Division, it was unbelieveable to win the 2nd title 50 years later and to win it again last season was even more magical. Yeh, bring on all the cracks and boring words of having all that money but no one sympathised with us when we had poor old Joe Mears and family, then Batesey in charge !! [;-)]

Now, if I had to support a home team, I would be a regular at Stade Rennais, where incidentally, we got the impeccable Petr Cech from [:)]

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I grew up in Sheffield but support Man Utd.

I was forced into it by my mother. I lived in Manchester for over 20 years, so it worked out quite well for me. [:)]

Miki, I always sympathised with Chelsea when they were in the doldrums, and hope to do so again, soon[6][:D]


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Hi Dave,

I was unhappy because Arsenal had beaten Spurs and not the other way. Living near York I have supported York City and in fact worked for them. Went to see them play Bristol City three weeks ago in the FA Cup. I also support Leeds United as I was at college in Leeds for three years.

Whilst working in London for three years I used to go and watch Spurs when I could .  My neice use to work in their commercial department and got me tickets when I wanted to watch a match. So each Saturday I watch out for these three teams. So far Leeds have drawn 2-2 with Barnsley, Spurs have lost 3-0 so hoping York City will get a win.

Some weeks all loose and other times there are better results.

With working in the UK and commuting there isn't much time to get to any matches.

Have a good day.



David J


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[quote user="Tresco"]Miki, I always sympathised with Chelsea when they were in the doldrums, and hope to do so again, soon[6][:D]


Thank you so much Tresco..I only hope your sympathies are kept on hold for a fair while longer but.......... what about this...you can have the Premier title, if we can finally win the European Champions League Trophy [:)]

I witnessed one of the most one sided games today when Arsenal beat Spurs 3-0 for much of the game the stats showed 75% possession by Arsenal ! Says it all I guess !

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My dad would've disowned me if I'd supported anybody except the Arsenal, although Chelsea and Fulham were nearer to us. My uncle supported Chelsea and, as a very small child, he used to get me to say "Arsenal smell" to my dad, while dad was training me to say "Chelsea stink" to my uncle.

I suppose nowadays this would count as child abuse.[blink]

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True story.

I was once interviewing a child with his mother about his general poor work and behaviour. He wasn't very bright, and it became clear fairly quickly that neither was his mother. Both were wearing football shirts, his Arsenal, hers Chelsea.

I mentioned, at some point, that a football shirt was not school uniform.

"Anyway" says mum, "Arsenal are ***t".

"So is Chelsea."

"Arsenal are more ***t than Chelsea!"

And so on. In the end they almost came to blows, and I had to end the interview and chuck them out.

So intra-family football-based conflict is nothing new.

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When I spent some time in Manchester I was taken to Old Trafford by a true 'red' he had a tattoo of  the Man U badge over his heart.....I was only there for the pies...."who ate all the pies?  I did" anyway what I would like to know from proper supporters is when a player is playing for your club he is the gretaest and then when he transfers to another team he becomes a donkey, surely he is still a great player?



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Greaves was always the great one, my first and always one of my true soccer heroes. Started at the Bridge and on all his travels he remained the greatest English forward of his time (and beyond in my mind !)

Besty came down to play at the other end of the Kings Road, (known to many as the Cottage)  and many of us Blues supporters used to trundle down to watch the great man play, even though years past his prime, he was worth treble the price at the gate.

As for players leaving etc, it depends how he was thought of at the club. Take just two ex-players, Zola and Osssie (RIP), both still adored at the Bridge, well after they left..............

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I think you're right there Miki. Some players are so fantastic it's not just their own clubs fans who respect them.

It's something to do with the individual/s. Similarly to your heroes, (both of whom I loved) in recent years at MUFC I've never heard anyone slag Cantona off, or Peter Schmeicel, whereas others are forgotten almost immediately. I do feel sorry for Beckham in that respect.



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I first went to an Arsenal game at Craven Cottage, when Johnny Haynes was still playing for them. God, that makes me feel old. Almost as old as I feel when I remember I first went to see the Stones when they were second on the bill to John Leyton!
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[quote user="KathyC"]Presumably apart from the fan he drop kicked?[/quote]

No, KathyC. Do you really think I would support/admire so strongly someone who acted without reason?. He was punished, and rightly so, but I'm guessing you only saw the 5 second clip without sound?

Cantona as much as Fergusen transformed MUFC, all for the better.

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[quote user="Tresco"]

[quote user="KathyC"]Presumably apart from the fan he drop kicked?[/quote]

No, KathyC. Do you really think I would support/admire so strongly someone who acted without reason?. He was punished, and rightly so, but I'm guessing you only saw the 5 second clip without sound?

Cantona as much as Fergusen transformed MUFC, all for the better.


Sorry, I was just being facetious. He was good in "Elizabeth" as well.

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