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Stick to the point perhaps.?


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ALL discussion will take on a life of it's own if allowed to continue between the same people.  Perhaps a new law should be passed that will allow only one response to each post.

How about creating an 'Off Topic - Off Topic' Forum, where not every conversation has to follow the strict guidelines set out in the initial post, but can be allowed to follow the natural ebb and flow of a conversation?  It seems to me that a lot of people are friends here and are posting for general conversation rather than layed out debate topics.  What are they being told to stifle their friendships in order not to let anyone else feel left out?  When I talk to my friends, the topic changes every few sentences.  Why would this be any different? 

While I agree with policing topics for anything that is offensive, I think that laying strict guidelines as to the movement and conversations within topics is ludicrous, and if you haven't had some valuable input to your initial post within the first page or two then you are not likely to.  The initial poster needs to know that they do not OWN the thread.  It is just a starting point for a conversation, which can take a multitude of paths.

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[quote user="Weedon"]

If anybody is interested I've been scouring the net for a Clique and I've bought one on a, buy one get one free.  I can't use two so if anybody wants a spare Clique it's out in the barn, just help yourself.



I think we should give it to Ian as a peace offering. He was quitre upset last night about us going off topic in the off topic forum, and I think it might make him feel better if he had a clique. And I'd feel much better, even though I don't have a clique myself. Cassis! Keep back! You and that monkey!

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MMmmm..someone talking about Jellied Eels...nice, we used to go down East Lane market off the Old Kent Road  on a Sunday morning with my Dad, we would have jellied eels and in the winter we would go to the hot Sarsperilla stall....lovely. Is the east Lane market still in use does anyone know?  As kids we used to gaze with awe through the window of the Pie & Mash shop in Woolwich, they had a big marble enclosure up to the window full of writhing eels and a man in a blood stained apron used to pluck them out as needed, decapitate them and send them off to the kitchen for stewing, scary stuff at 8 years old. For those who never tasted Sarsperilla


Was there a point to this thread? What was the point?



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[quote user="Lynda and Richard"]

While I agree with policing topics for anything that is offensive, I think that laying strict guidelines as to the movement and conversations within topics is ludicrous, and if you haven't had some valuable input to your initial post within the first page or two then you are not likely to.  The initial poster needs to know that they do not OWN the thread.


What a remarkably commonsense comment for 4.08am.

After a couple of pages almost every factual query that has an answer capable of being posted on the forum has been answered as well as it ever will be.  You then get the same old same old points repeated and argued over and it degenerates into 'point scoring' among the experts or it takes a more conversational and occasionally light-hearted turn.   See, I'm doing it now - just repeating what's already been said.  Anyone looking for "serious" info on a "serious" topic just has to read the first couple of pages - you can generally forget the rest.

Now can we get back to jellied eels and salt beef sarnies, please?

PS Lynda&Richard - if you have an ampersand (&) in your forum name then people can't quote your post - the forum rejects it as "non-matching quotes".

PPS Have you ever thought of doing a daytime TV show?

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Well I have tried making serious points on this thread and have been ignored[:P] so if you cant beat em, join em.

Jellied eels.  I was up Lundun the weekend first stop the pie and mash shop up the Roman.  Double double and a bowl of jelly.  Brought a load back with me and will enjoy a plateful for dinner with chilli vinegar.

I remember as a child watching the eel man on a stall up the Roman chopping a load of wriggling eels on the stall with an axe.  It was very entertaining with all the bits still wriggling.

BETTY. liquor is the stuff you pour on your pie and mash.  It is made with parsley and is green in colour.  It really is my favourite food.

CASSIS. Go to Brick Lane to get your salt beef.  That is where those in the know go.

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Can you still get Salt beef sarnies down Brick Lane ?

I guess our  favourite place around the area, simply had to be Tubby Isaacs stall, only cos it was a tradition to meet there I guess.

In Brick Lane, I used to buy leather stuff (no, not that sort) first from the Jewish fraternity (and nice clobber it was) and then through the Bangladeshis and then Asians until it just become that good quality never sold, as people wanted to buy cheap tosh from the markets.........so another earner bit the dust !!

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It's a long time since we mentioned trains. Those on the Paris-Granville line are often late.

As for spent monkeys.

Did I mention I've just got back from Dubai, where there is a large shopping centre that includes a branch of Carrefour. It also has a ski slope at the top with real snow. And yesterday I was in East Sussex where I heard the big bang and saw the smoke.

And who mentioned outcasts? (in the same post as Queen Bees) - now there's a good theme to go off-topic with.


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[quote user="Just Katie "]


BETTY. liquor is the stuff you pour on your pie and mash.  It is made with parsley and is green in colour.  It really is my favourite food.


Parsley and what, though? Sorry, late again: further train trouble although I was actually in the car. And it was on the posh line from Virginia Water: the level crossing was stuck down.

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[quote user="Will "]


Did I mention I've just got back from Dubai, where there is a large shopping centre that includes a branch of Carrefour.



I once bought an inflatable Mickey Mouse there. There were legitimate business reasons although I still had to explain to my director when my expense claim went in. I was also at opening day of Carrefour in Singapore, and saw a small Chinese lady almost flattened by a pallet of Coca-Cola. Tales of overseas Carrefours.....there's a topic!

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Betty I don't know what else it is made of.  Someone once told me eel stock but it really is delish.  When you break your pie open (with a spoon and fork, never a knife and fork) all the brown juices run into the liquor.  Have you tried it?

Miki, I spent the weekend with my seafood/saltbeef eating cockney cousin who told me brick lane is still the place.  It did make me think though because it is now the curry capital but wot Gary ses is right.

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[quote user="Just Katie "]

Betty I don't know what else it is made of.  Someone once told me eel stock but it really is delish.  When you break your pie open (with a spoon and fork, never a knife and fork) all the brown juices run into the liquor.  Have you tried it?[/quote]

Bitch....Mods take note.  This is all just a ploy to annoy those of us without access to it all any more. I refuse to push the button but for pitys sake, hush the lady tooty sweet...........

[quote] Miki, I spent the weekend with my seafood/saltbeef eating cockney cousin who told me brick lane is still the place.  It did make me think though because it is now the curry capital but wot Gary ses is right.[/quote]

I don't doubt Gaz (are all Gary's still called that oop smoke?) and I bet there is still some little ole chap knocking out the sarnies and lovely and thick and smuvvered in Horseradish.............Oh I've come over all a drooley nah (Mr Smith, is drooley in the dictionary?)

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[quote user="You can call me Betty"]Nope, eels in our house are the other sort from Holland, as I'm married to a semi-Dutchman.[+o(] (the Yick's for the eels, not TOH, BTW!)[/quote]

Eh ? Are Dutch ones square with wooden shoes then ? I fawt they woz all shoeless long slippery b uggers ?

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[quote user="Miki"][quote user="You can call me Betty"]Nope, eels in our house are the other sort from Holland, as I'm married to a semi-Dutchman.[+o(] (the Yick's for the eels, not TOH, BTW!)[/quote]

Eh ? Are Dutch ones square with wooden shoes then ? I fawt they woz all shoeless long slippery b uggers ?


Is the semi-Dutchman called Eric (as in Eric the half-bee?)

I remember having smoked eels with scrambled eggs somewhere, it could well have been Amsterdam, in fact I'm sure it was. I know they tasted great, the only way to eat scrambled eggs.

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[quote] ALL discussion will take on a life of it's own if allowed to continue between the same people.  Perhaps a new law should be passed that will allow only one response to each post.

How about creating an 'Off Topic - Off Topic' Forum, where not every conversation has to follow the strict guidelines set out in the initial post, but can be allowed to follow the natural ebb and flow of a conversation?  It seems to me that a lot of people are friends here and are posting for general conversation rather than layed out debate topics.  What are they being told to stifle their friendships in order not to let anyone else feel left out?  When I talk to my friends, the topic changes every few sentences.  Why would this be any different? 

While I agree with policing topics for anything that is offensive, I think that laying strict guidelines as to the movement and conversations within topics is ludicrous, and if you haven't had some valuable input to your initial post within the first page or two then you are not likely to.  The initial poster needs to know that they do not OWN the thread.  It is just a starting point for a conversation, which can take a multitude of paths.


I agree, the initial poster does not own the thread however Admin and mods do get a significant amount of complaints about posts going off topic and one of the points raised is how difficult it can make searching for information. Sometimes posts are static for months, then are bought up again and something pertinent added. If there is a lot of light hearted banter in the middle anyone searching could just give up.

No one is requesting that people stifle their friendship, but I think it is reasonable to ask that more general chit chat stays in the section that was provided for it (at users request !)

There are now three sections here for 'non information posts' As well as that we have a PM and email system. Is it really too much to ask that members keep their friendly off topic banter to these sections and leave the sections (mainly those above the post bag) which are designated for information, for that purpose? Surely you can still be friendly but address the merry quip or wit-ism to the poster by PM, or start a new thread ?

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For anybody interested I have gone back to walking around my barn clockwise but in an attempt to make myself appear cool I wore my quilted tartan shirt turned inside out and my baseball cap on back to front.  Somehow I feel the 80 year old farmer I spoke to this morning may have formed the wrong impression of me.

Jeffrey Barnard is unwell.

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[quote user="Russethouse"]There are now three sections here for 'non information posts' As well as that we have a PM and email system. Is it really too much to ask that members keep their friendly off topic banter to these sections and leave the sections (mainly those above the post bag) which are designated for information, for that purpose? Surely you can still be friendly but address the merry quip or wit-ism to the poster by PM, or start a new thread ?[/quote]

Hear Hear!

Now I'll get my toys, my pram and my dummy and get the hell out of here!![:P]

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[quote user="Just Katie "]

CASSIS. Go to Brick Lane to get your salt beef.  That is where those in the know go.


That was too far from where I worked in London - Goswell Road then Tabernacle Street then Paul Street -  and certainly too far for me to go now so I'll just relish the memories. [:)]

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Miki, yes my fave cousin is a Gaz.  A very hot headed ginger one at that.  He told me they do fantastic salt beef bagels with HR sauce up Brick Lane... So next time youre in the area matey, if you see a stocky red head with big hands tucking in to one send him my love.

Cassis, you will have to continue suffering.

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[quote user="Weedon"]

For anybody interested I have gone back to walking around my barn clockwise but in an attempt to make myself appear cool I wore my quilted tartan shirt turned inside out and my baseball cap on back to front.  Somehow I feel the 80 year old farmer I spoke to this morning may have formed the wrong impression of me.

Jeffrey Barnard is unwell.


And so it appears  is Peter O'Weedon............[:)]

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Gay said

.[quote] ...agree, the initial poster does not own the thread however Admin and

mods do get a significant amount of complaints
about posts going off

topic and one of the points raised is how difficult it can make

searching for information.[/quote]

Sad old sods.........................and that goes for the complainers as well [:)][:)][;-)]

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[quote user="Just Katie "]

Miki, yes my fave cousin is a Gaz.  A very hot headed ginger one at that.  He told me they do fantastic salt beef bagels with HR sauce up Brick Lane... So next time youre in the area matey, if you see a stocky red head with big hands tucking in to one send him my love.

Cassis, you will have to continue suffering.


Bagels oy vay......

Do you know what you just made me dos....I got in my car and went to the butchers, he had no salt beef, obvious but miracles do happen ! So I thought right....Curry ! So I went to the local Indian resto...Monday...............closed.

Now I am in a cold sweat (I kid you not about this, remember the golden chef is away at the mo) what a do, I say to myself, right, in to Cora.....I spy a box of  Curry Poulet, it's mine, get in the basket you beauty I speak again to myself, much to the amusement of a couple of giggling schoolkids.

Paid up and was on my way home to fulfil a need brought on by bluddy Katie.

In it went, it says only 3 minutes on the box, so time to dig out the Mango and anything else that looks like it goes with an Indian.................no jokes about Custer please

I've had bleeedin' hotter Cheese and Onion flavour crisps...............I feel cheated and now I have to dispose of the box or I am brown bread if she sees that yuk in the house.......................

Believe it or not, that is all true.

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In answer to Miki's post about his boil in a box meal.


Next time bung in some chilli flakes, I throw them in with just about everything.  Want to try some of my yorkshires?

Lucky you bought a boil in a box meal.  Those tins where it says "pierce tin and stand in boiling water for 10 mins" doesn't arf take the skin off your ankles.

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