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Stick to the point perhaps.?


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[quote user="Just Katie "]

Have you ever been sat next to someone in a dinner party who absolutely exhausts a conversation or to turn the tables around have you ever spoke to someone for the equivalent of "four pages" on a subject such as the French Tax Regime then wondered why their eyes have glazed over and they are looking behind you?


Personally I wonder about the analogy with things like "dinner parties" - an internet forum is not remotely similar to a dinner party (at least not any dinner parties I have been to). True that talking to somebody about the same thing for ages can get dull so you start a new subject - or a new thread (if you hold with the analogy.

[quote user="Just Katie "]

As for cliques do they really exist solely amongst the "one liners"?  I think the more "serious" members of this forum all seem to sing off the same hymnsheet which indicates to me there is a little bit of behind the scenes bickering.  How cliquey[:D]


I think it is certainly the "one liner" clique that is the most obvious as it is invariably the same people who start leaping in with the off topic "witty one liners". True they have the world in hysterics and life just would be so dull for the rest of us without them. However, maybe they could start threads for the little chats rather than just hijack other people's requests for factual information or serious comment things - but then maybe one is asking just too much there.

I don't think the discussions is about cliques - but rather the one clique that seems to want to continually hijack everybody else's threads. Are there other cliques ? - difficult to say. No others seem apparent but who knows.


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I've said this before and I'll say it again.  Some of us are the class clown - only now we're distrupting the forum instead of the classroom.  It must be annoying for peple who are here to learn when we come barging in giggling and tittering and letting off stink bombs.  I like to think I have made an effort not to do this anymore since JLM or somebody started a similar thread about it. 

So if I can do it anyone can. 

Let's make an effort to stick to the subject 'til at least New Years Eve. The first one who drifts off or hi-jacks a thread knowingly - as I'm sure there are some of you who just don't know what you're talking about sometimes - example:  JK and her hymn sheets[:-))]  will be asked to stand outside the forum for the rest of the thread.

Have I made myself clear?


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Are you sure that you want to join a Clique.

Structure of Cliques. (Wikipedia)

Social roles within cliques vary, but two roles stereotypically associated with to most cliques - that of the "queen bee" and that of the "outcast".

Queen bee

The queen bee is the clique's leader. Characteristics often associated to her are a pleasant appearance, charisma, skill in manipulation and monetary power. The queen bee has substantial influence and power over the clique, and is usually envied and looked upon as a role model by clique members and at times by outsiders to the clique. Her actions are closely followed and imitated, even though they may not be of a positive nature.

With this, the social role of the "outcast" is defined, as individuals that the queen bee dislikes may be classified by her as such, thus encouraging clique members to victimise the outcast, in order to continue to be part of the clique or to receive praise from the queen bee.

In most cliques there is, at least to some degree, a power struggle for the position of the queen bee. Hence, the clique's leader might change from time to time, for example due to a member (or non-member) exceeding the queen bee's abilities, or members getting fed up with the Queen Bee's antics and thus attracting followers of the old clique leader. Outside influences may also act upon the social structure of the clique, such as changing interests or increasing maturity among clique members.


The outcast is a person who does not fit into any specific clique, and as such, at times faces phyisical and psychological aggression from clique members, in a fashion similar to bullying. It is not common for witnesses to defend an outcast, as most fear being rejected and potentially becoming an outcast themselves.

Ultimately, most of the damage an outcast receives is psychological. Feelings of isolation and enmity may result into the outcast developing clinical depression, psychological trauma, and, in some cases, suicidal thoughts.  Outcasts may have difficulty seeking help from an adult or relative, as a collective impression that such an act is humiliating is present within adolescent social groups in general. It is plausible to assume that clique members themselves create this impression, in order to avoid being confronted by adults. Sometimes the situations can get so bad that the outcast might feel tempted to leave the larger social group. 

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No, I mean it. My excuse is that I am multi-tasking (watching TV, writing an extension data sheet on the Tudor Dynasty, typing this and really wanting a cup of tea and a visit to the loo.). But really.

Now I freely admit that I haven't had a clear view of my navel for a few years, but I think we could all stop contemplating them and just post whatever and whenever - but within the rules of the forum and the general rules of common decency.


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