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Stick to the point perhaps.?


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[quote user="cooperlola"]

I guess it's just too much admin' to ask the moderators to sticky the long banter into the Lounge when it strays too far off-topic.  The Reuters post was a good example, as I genuinely was interested to know where the best place to buy dollars was over here.  A couple of nudges in the correct direction, did in fact, bear fruit in the end.


I'm afraid I have never had much luck, splitting threads

I'm still waiting for some good USA shopping sites (up in the Reuters thread please, NOT here)

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You make me sound very serious, Dick. I do in fact enjoy a laugh and a joke as long as it's not at someone else's expense, and I take the view that it's a matter of time and place.

I'll explain that in a bit more detail. This forum is "open" in the sense that the entire world, should they wish, can view it, and make no mistake a large number of people from all over the planet do just that, they may not contribute but they look in and read posts.

I know this because I can track where the "visitors" to my web site come from, in the sense that if they arrive on my site from a specific LF forum thread, I know which one it is, I also know where they are located geographically (more or less) and it's very interesting. So, cracking dodgy jokes about someone from Italy, Hungary, China or where ever could easily cause offence and give a distorted view, especially if there is a bit of a language barrier. Equally I don't think it is thoughtful or considerate to make jokes about disabilities, even if I may do this with a close Friend who is severely handicapped because he knows where I'm coming from and it's between us, that's the important bit, it's private and some things should be.

I think you may be surprised at how many times I fall about with laughter at some of the clever and funny things people put on these forums and really appreciate some of the more astute thinkers and the way that some have with words.



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[quote user="Chris Head"]

[quote user="Cassis"]I made some more bird feeders and nest boxes today.  I must make that posting I promised.


All dovetail and mortice & tenon I trust Phil?


Très drôle, Mr Head! [:)]

And stop making me envious, Coops. [:(]

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[quote user="Weedon"]Today marked a change in my habits due to the high winds making me walk around the barn in an anti-clockwise direction instead of my usual clockwise.  It felt really strange. Things are never what they seem are they?[/quote]

Just as well it wasn't a church; that'd be very unlucky.

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Is the original poster REALLY upset because the thread drifted on the FOURTH PAGE?  This particular thread drifted on the THIRD. 

I think respect was given in both instances but come on guys lighten up.  Have you ever been sat next to someone in a dinner party who absolutely exhausts a conversation or to turn the tables around have you ever spoke to someone for the equivalent of "four pages" on a subject such as the French Tax Regime then wondered why their eyes have glazed over and they are looking behind you?

As for cliques do they really exist solely amongst the "one liners"?  I think the more "serious" members of this forum all seem to sing off the same hymnsheet which indicates to me there is a little bit of behind the scenes bickering.  How cliquey[:D]

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[quote user="Just Katie "] I think the more "serious" members of this forum all seem to sing off the same hymnsheet which indicates to me there is a little bit of behind the scenes bickering.  How cliquey[:D][/quote]

I'm one of the less serious members, and also reserve most of my bickering to 'behind the scenes'.

Perhaps I have more in common with 'them' than is immediately apparent![:)]

I also try and avoid the old Hijack thing...until to 4 pages. In fact, with the graffiti in Rennes thread,  it was me posting a picture of (apparently) invisible graffitti that caused the thread drift in the first place.


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Hi there!  My ears were burning[:)]


Chris pp!

Do you remember that time when we were rolling about laughing about those bears and Barry White[:-))] 

You ARE funny Chris,  and very informative at the same time - I wish I could be more like you or Sunday Driver as in being knowledgeable in a specialised subject. 

Where's my clique?

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[quote user="Dick Smith"]Which way do you go in the southern hemisphere, Bert?

I know you'll think it strange, might even say (to coin a cricketeing phrase) "How's that then?" But sometimes I don't know whether I am in the Southern or Northern Hemisphere and I have to resort to watching the water glugging down the plug hole.  Even then I forget which is which.

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