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Andouillettes? You're just cooking it wrong!


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[quote user="beryl"]....... When cooked slowly (3 - 4 hours in stock made with hay in the traditional way but we think you could use vegetable stock instead), it softens and sheds all the fat, and becomes so tender that it melts in you mouth".

So, now you know, it's obviously delicious and you are all just cooking it wrong! [:D]    [/quote]

3 to 4 hours in stock made with hay...?...!....[8-)]

Slice a couple of onions, layer in an oven dish, salt (not too much) and pepper, andouillettes over that, pour over some muscadet about 1/2 litre for 6 andouillettes and bake in hot oven for 50 to 55 minutes !!  The onions and the wine will make like a thick sauce in which you dip your bread. Yum! Yum! Yummy!....

That's all there is to it........ and it is delicious and keeps you going during a cold winter's day [:D]

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[quote user="Dick Smith"][quote user="Saint"]

Cooking tip,

Flush them down the toilet and cut out the middleman.

(caution, if you have a fosse sceptic it probably won't like them either, sceptics rarely like to try new things).




Eh? Do you know what a sceptic is?


Dear Dick, It was a play on words......

sceptic, US skeptic   Show phonetics
noun [C]
a person who doubts the truth or value of an idea or belief:
People say it can cure colds, but I'm a bit of a sceptic.
to convince the sceptics


septic tank noun [C]
a large, especially underground, container in which excrement and urine are dissolved by the action of bacteria

ie many of us are being sceptical about the flavour of soemthing we have never tried.....

Sceptic looks and rhyms with septic. Many people in France have and love their septic tanks. Bearing in mind what a septic tank deals with a Andouillet should be no problem for it to digest. Sorry I had to explain the joke clearly it is not funny.

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Dear Tresco, the joke was meant to work both ways, clearly you understand the psycology (thinking) of a fosse that is indeed sceptical as well as being itself sceptic. I have had many discussions with my fosse including physical threats on occassion although our relationship of more recent times has been amicable (we agree with each other) ; - )

This concept may be a little abstract or obtuse ( does not follow conventional thinking ) for some but I Know Tresco sees what I am saying.

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[quote user="Saint"][quote user="Dick Smith"][quote user="Saint"]

Cooking tip,

Flush them down the toilet and cut out the middleman.

(caution, if you have a fosse sceptic it probably won't like them either, sceptics rarely like to try new things).




Eh? Do you know what a sceptic is?


Dear Dick, It was a play on words......

sceptic, US skeptic   Show phonetics
noun [C]
a person who doubts the truth or value of an idea or belief:
People say it can cure colds, but I'm a bit of a sceptic.
to convince the sceptics


septic tank noun [C]
a large, especially underground, container in which excrement and urine are dissolved by the action of bacteria

ie many of us are being sceptical about the flavour of soemthing we have never tried.....

Sceptic looks and rhyms with septic. Many people in France have and love their septic tanks. Bearing in mind what a septic tank deals with a Andouillet should be no problem for it to digest. Sorry I had to explain the joke clearly it is not funny.



Believe it or not, Saint, I understood that. And believe it or not I know what septic, sceptic and skeptic mean (got any eggs you could teach me to suck?)

However, for a play on words to work there should be some resonance between the words, otherwise we could all make 'witty' remarks using words that rhyme, or 'sound a bit like' other words...




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[quote user="Saint"]Anyway lets get back to the guts of the matter being sausages of the Andouillette nature.[/quote]

Well, I thought it is was funny. But it is often said that I am easily pleased in these matters.

Saint, I am delighted to hear that I am not the only person on God's

Green Earth to offer a fosse septique physical violence. I must,

however, take issue with your belief that it is bacteria who do all the

the messy but oh so necessary work of crap digestion. Have you ever met

any of these so-called bacteria? I thought not.

I fact, each fosse contains a troll that lives on the waste stream.

They all come from a small town in Belgium, just outside Mons, where

they serve a lengthy apprenticeship eating old copies of Peter

Mandelson's EU Commission speeches. Once they can keep the ersatz crap

down, they move to take on the real thing in France.

In appearance, each troll is about three foot six, off-green and bears

a striking resemblence to Kenneth Baker. Each, of course, has a

different personality, which explains the somewhat idiosyncratic

behaviour of the common-or-garden fosse. Ours is called Arnold. If you

ever hear a small girl announcing that she is "nipping off to feed

Arnold," it is most likely one of ours and you will know that she is

not about to go and feed her pet rabbit (unless, by chance, he too is

called Arnold - the last one was called 'flooperty' so anything is

possible), but is, in fact, going to the loo.

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Oh and Dick, 97.567% of statistics are made up on the spot. Just like your "rules" for plays on words.... Or perhaps you have a book of rules relating to "stuff" and are able to refer to it whenever trying to make a point. At least two of the previous entries appreciated my "play on words" even if in fact it wasn't "a play on words."

However, I am not an Adouillettes and you are not getting under my skin. Stop mincing your words and tell us what you think about the sausages.

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No, Saint, I didn't "miss the joke" I said there wasn't a joke there in the first place, and then you posted one of the most patronising things I've seen in a very long time. Please don't assume we are all stupid. Or that we don't understand your soaring intellect.

BTW - "I was only joking" is the least original get-out excuse of all time...


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Those is glass houses should not throw stones. If you want a patronising e-mail perhaps you should look at your first response to me and ask yourself why I responded in such a way in the first place. Did I give as much as I got?

My last e-mail to you was by way of a peace maker. Clearly you will have the last say.

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