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My new baby!

Chris Head

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You can eat suckling lambs. One good sunday roast they'll make stuffed with rosemary, garlic, thyme, thin slices of potatoes all around it, some water, lots of olive oil, salt and pepper, slow roast in your Godin and some other vegs from the garden and .... where's the invite!??

As to your nursery : you need to make an enclosure about 6ft by 6ft and tall enough that lambs don't jump over! in your barn, it's sheltered away from wind and rain, or where Mummy sheep is sheltering. Good straw litter and lock mother and children in that. Just to try if she is going to take them back. She has to be closed and fenced in that she can't escape her responsability!...

If not you will have to use that enclosure for the 2 babes and that will be their home until they get strong. Regular feeds during the day and nighty night. Then you can have some sleep!

At about 1 month old they should be able to go out into the field with the others during the day. Just make sure there are NO HOLES in the fences. They are very cunning at finding a way out... and bye bye your sunday roast as Mr Fox will have it.....

How did I ever get involved with sheep rearing  .... [blink][:D]

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I helped bottle feed the orphan lambs on my S-I-L's farm in Glos.  I loved them to bits and named the three.  The next time I went to stay and asked my SIL where the lambs were, she said 'in the freezer' !   I had fish for lunch.
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So did you go back to eating Lamb Pip?

That's great info Missy, thanks alot! We'll give them a few more days to get stronger then I'll move them into the barn. Only problem is that they're not moving around much, I think they need more exercise so I'm going to put them on a lead and take them on walks so their muscles can build! I have a cunning plan, if you put the odd clove of garlic in the bottle and also infuse the milk with Rosemary then they'll be ready flavoured! My mouth is watering at the thought!

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So did you go back to eating Lamb Pip? asked Chris

Unless I'm a guest and my hosts serve up lamb (I try to be polite) I rarely touch it now, for two reasons. The first because of that incident and the second because it's so b a l l y expensive in 'ol Blighty !!

Sara should be estatic - a man who knows where the hoover is kept !  But it would probably have been better to use it on the carpet [Www]

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[quote user="Chris Head"]  That's great info Missy, thanks alot! [/quote]

Anytime. I gave up breeding sheep when I realised that there is one person more stoopid than the sheep : me!

[quote user="Chris Head"]  We'll give them a few more days to get stronger then I'll move them into the barn. Only problem is that they're not moving around much, I think they need more exercise so I'm going to put them on a lead and take them on walks so their muscles can build! [/quote]

Move them NOW! if poss with Mother or in a pen next to her to the barn if you want some sleep! and an excuse for not using/ruining the Dyson as well as being ticked off the rota for poo duty! You put them on a lead and your neighbours will think that you are now batting for the other side!... Know what I mean Dolly..... [;-)] 

[quote user="Chris Head"]  I have a cunning plan, if you put the odd clove of garlic in the bottle and also infuse the milk with Rosemary then they'll be ready flavoured! My mouth is watering at the thought! [/quote]

Perfectly do-able but move them to the barn BEFORE you start the new menu! Garlic is a well known laxative....[Www]

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Hoovered up the poo!!!!! [:'(][:-))]. Briley Hill Chris, what planet did you say you were on 'cause I want to come there too. It must be much more interesting than this one. Blimey, hoovered up the poo?????  I nearly fell off me perch this morning when I read that [:D][:D]. I hope that you volounteeredto clean the blasted thing!!  Peut etra par?
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I'll tell you what Chris, if you really have screwed up that Dyson it will cost more than your , hopeful, new amp!!!!!!! Daft bugger??? And, plus, you ain't going to be able to blag that one either...

Just tell Sara that one of those 'dear little lambs' was to blame [6]

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The Dyson lived but the bruddy lambs have been bedded in my prize furniture


That's Ken (???)....Miliie is in the opposing cubbyhole.

I'm only up at this time because the two decided it was playtime and have been leaping all over the place. Their bellies are full now and they're settled....

What time did you get back Twinks?

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[quote user="Missy"]At least plenty Bisto gravy and Paxo stuffing for it [:-))]   in that cupboard ! [;-)][/quote]

You were up late Missy, been dancing around the handbags again? The Bisto is for the kids and the Paxo was Sarahs wish, lest our gourmande reputation be tainted!

You said the 'I' word Jon!!! That must surely merit a warning? I've been in trouble for much less than that, only the day before yesterday Gay gave me a whopping clip round the ear, it still hurts! Yep, I'm hitting the report button!

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You hit the report button and I'll tell Sara on you, so there [:P]!

Only been in that I place once, in Bristol, and that was enough to put me off for life [+o(] ...

That furniture of yours probably isn't genuine chip board anyway?

I've just finished a lovely 10 inch diameter English elm bowl for some friends as a 'new house' pressie. I had to fight Frances 'cause she wanted it. I've got to see if I have another blank now to do another one for Frances!!!

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[quote user="Jonzjob"]..... I had to fight Frances 'cause she wanted it. I've got to see if I have another blank now to do another one for Frances!!![/quote]

Jonzy! If your Frances is a true woman she won't want it now 'coz someone else has one the same if not a better model !...

Us women only want the ONE OFF not the same item as so and so has ...... WE want something UNIQUE ! .... That's why Him in the sky created HUSBANDS!! [;-)][:D] They are unique though some more than others..... [8-)][blink]

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[quote user="Chris Head"]...... You were up late Missy, been dancing around the handbags again? .... [/quote]

Wish I had! Dearest Daughter comes all the way to Wales from Cnaterbury to spend the weekend with me her Dear Mum Aaahh! cute!!... Round 5 yesterday arvo she says : I'm going to see an old friend in town, won't be more than an hour and I'll bring back some ice-cream and a DVD!' Great I thought... [:D] a girlie night!

She didn't re-appear until way past midnight [:'(][:@] ! Just as well I had a bottle of wine ...!

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[quote user="Missy"]

[quote user="Jonzjob"]..... I had to fight Frances 'cause she wanted it. I've got to see if I have another blank now to do another one for Frances!!![/quote]

Jonzy! If your Frances is a true woman she won't want it now 'coz someone else has one the same if not a better model !...

Us women only want the ONE OFF not the same item as so and so has ...... WE want something UNIQUE ! .... That's why Him in the sky created HUSBANDS!! [;-)][:D] They are unique though some more than others..... [8-)][blink]


Now Missy, if you knew wood then you would know that every single thing made with it is unique. I don't try to copy anything 'cause it ain't possible...


I am quite unique as a husband or anything else come to think of it!!

You ain't goin to belive this but we are having souris d'agneau for dins tonight. Hey Chris, you had better go and count those legs!![6][6][8-|] Yum, yum!!

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